The new @HumanEvents is six weeks old, and when you’re in the middle of a sprint, it’s easy to forget to be grateful.
So, a gratitude thread.

Their incredible support gave us the ability to go out and make hires almost immediately, and to really invest in the site.
We have some exciting things planned - I can’t wait for you to see them.
Have you been impressed with the website?
That wasn’t an expensive group of professionals.
That was @RaheemKassam, who has worked tirelessly as EIC writing, promoting, maintaining, and soliciting contributions for the site.
Grateful for his outstanding work
Ian works crazy hard and deserves huge credit for some of the truly beautiful imagery on the site
Sofia wrote some of our most-read articles and is mature beyond her years
Thank you both
@DonaldJTrumpJr joined us on day 1, as did @DennisPrager, @DanielPipes, @JackPosobiec, and others
Put us on the map on day 1
Massively important, thank you
He’s also tirelessly helped promote the site
Blown away by his generosity, and glad to count him as a friend
Thank you
Hugely helpful, thank you brother
This is a collective effort
We’re trying to change conservative media for good
And we can’t do it without you