Some notes below 👇

I have the feeling that the likes of @BitcoinTina are right to be hyper-bullish on Bitcoin. Listen to him on @TFTC21……
Maybe the time traveller is right, and denominating in $USD terms will be nonsensical soon. In any case, I welcome our Citadel future.

I recommend you listen to his thoughts on @crypto_voices……

Unit bias ("I can't afford a whole bitcoin"), version bias ("Version 0.18.0? I'd rather use shitcoin version 2.0!"), and other mental blocks ("I'm too late!") are prevalent.
But: we are living in amazing times. As @sapinker points out the world is objectively better and more peaceful than ever before. Hans Rosling shows this beautifully as well.

In the words of @BitcoinErrorLog: "bitcoins want to be free!"
Bonus: it's pure monetary premium.

Running a node is easier than ever, thanks to @pierre_rochard's Node Launcher, @nodl_it, @CasaHODL, @SamouraiWallet's Dojo, @Stadicus3000, @rootzoll, etc