Having left my provisions at home, I was able to secure hardtack & salt cod at Sbarro at the aireport. It was quite dear & disgusting, but I had no choice. As always, the rich engrosser profits while the small man suffers.
Adieu. I boarde.
Oh what travails I faced on this arduous trip to Yorktown. As a lowly private I was seated next to the privy. The corporal suffered a mighty bout of dysentery and demanded that I fetch him an abundance of corn cobs for his relief. Our struggle has many sides.
Corruption runs rampant in our land of liberty as well as in Old England. There is a rumor that the General himself owns these rickety jitneys we pay to ride. I start to suspect that patriotism pays very well for some, tho not for me. businessinsider.com/donald-trump-a…