I'm an earthquake survivor from NZ (2011) who will provide reporting & commentary below, just as soon as I can load the USGS pages properly.
This was big, shallow, & the city has 28k people.
Mag: 7.1 (severe)
Depth: 0.9km (half a mile, v. v. shallow)
Location: 17km NNE of Ridgecrest, CA (very close to city)
185 people died in the Christchurch NZ EQ of 2/22/11. I was thrown across the room, but was fine, compared to others.
Ridgecrest: 28,000 + rural areas is a lot of people affected.
Do NOT call folk in the area, it will crash the network. Get one person to use SMS then feed out the info.
Locals need mobile services for 911 calls. #Think
Please do not drive to Ridgecrest to offer food, water, clothing, & volunteering. That leads to the #SecondDisaster where already stretched responders have to crowd-control you & process items.
In addition, people in LA are affected. Always a good idea to practice your response bc The Big One is inevitable. Not if, but when:
#DropCoverHoldOn bc if you get in a doorway you can get injured. Crouching under a table or next to it or any solid furniture is safer. Cover your head.
Study the advice at ready.gov/earthquakes

Some lists for disaster info:
Actual number of casualties is unlikely to be known this early on. All we can do is wait.
Replenish charity funds for the next disaster: nvoad.org
@LAFD, @LAPDHQ, @LACOFD, @kerncountyfire, @Cal_OES, and @femaregion9.
POTUS has been briefed and will be kept updated.
📞 800-985-5990
📱 Text TalkWithUs (Eng) or Hablanos (español) to 66746
The more SELF RELIANT you are, the easier it is for First Responders, AND you can help seniors, disabled, babies etc too.
"There have been many calls for medical assistance, but a total number was not given."
If a very shallow 7.1 EQ hit near a city of 28k people in NZ, there would be fatalities.
Our geology is different in several respects. That's above my pay grade to explain though.
🛌 If in bed, stay there & cover your head & neck with a pillow.
🚗 If in a vehicle, stop in a clear area away from buildings, trees, overpasses, underpasses, or utility wires.
Shoutout to all those working through the night in many parts of CA, in co-ordination centers, as first responders, in healthcare, utilities, media, the list is long.
The $ impacts will be huge, too; USGS modelling: