[note: registering with FinCEN is the easy part]
.@davidmarcus: This is not for me to say but we are working [to satisfy regulatory bars]. #LibraInDC
@SenSherrodBrown: "I didn't hear it directly from Mark." #LibraInDC
.@SenSherrodBrown: "You know better than that, only Facebook has access to 2 billion people." #LibraInDC
@davidmarcus: Libra isn't designed to compete with the dollar. #LibraInDC
[this is actually repeated a few times]
@davidmarcus: Tl;dr it's too early for that right now #LibraInDC
@davidmarcus: I can speak to the Calibra wallet ... [which would] provide consumre protections. #LibraInDC
@davidmarcus: Libra will be backed by a reserve. #LibraInDC
@davidmarcus: [No, but there is interoperability] #LibraInDC
@davidmarcus: We did not set up in Switzerland to evade responsibility. #LibraInDC
@davidmarcus: [We don't want to control the money supply] #LibraInDC
@davidmarcus: There are a council of 100 or more members who will make decisions, and elect a board of 19 members #LibraInDC
@davidmarcus: More commerce [= more advertising revenue]
@davidmarcus: I know we will have to earn people's trust for a very long period of time. #LibraInDC
@davidmarcus: "Yes."
.@davidmarcus: "Yes."
"Then that's really no choice at all." #LIbraInDC
@davidmarcus: I agree there's a bias [missed the rest] #LibraInDC
@davidmarcus: Sanctions will be enforced, Libra will be in compliance with "our national security" concerns #LibraInDC
@davidmarcus: Because we have the ability ... we have the resources and I believe we should. #LibraInDC

.@davidmarcus The way to properly police and control the network is one, through the on and off ramps, and two through the- 1/
"I'm familiar with Facebook," @SenJohnKennedy says. #LibraInDC
@SenJohnKennedy: "It's /NOT/ about the money? ... don't you have shareholders?" #LibraInDC
@SenSherrodBrown: You trust us to believe that? [might be a little paraphrased] #LibraInDC