ANSWER 1: Pelosi’s not pushing it. She’s doing the opposite: Quashing it!
“Leaders presented them polling from 50 battleground districts to underscore the peril in backing impeachment” #FearMongering…
ANSWER 2: There probably is. “The House Probably Has A Pro-Impeachment Majority Right Now”…
ANSWER 1: So? Months of televised impeachment inquiry hearings will make Trump toxic for 22 GOP Senators up for reelection in 2020. Dems only need to flip 4 seats to take back the Senate.…
ANSWER 1: “Would Dems really face a backlash if they impeached Trump? Probably not.”…
ANSWER 2: Pelosi “ ignores the profound effect the proceedings would have on public opinion — including sustained news cycles mounting over months.”-…
ANSWER 2: Trump is blocking. BUT Impeachment proceedings are NOT JUSTICIABLE so he couldn’t block & drag subpoenas out in lengthy, risky court fights like he is now.…

ANSWER 3:“..after seeing administration officials defy Congressional subpoenas..” @RepKirkpatrick knows IMPEACHMENT SUBPOENAS are NOT JUSTICIABLE. Trump can’t drag them out in risky court fights.
ANSWER 1: 45% of America wants Trump impeached (Gallup poll July 3) only 2 pts fewer (47%) than wanted Nixon removed 2 weeks before he resigned. Televised hearings will drive the polls.…

WRONG! “Clinton impeachment lesson: Republicans impeached on far flimsier grounds, despite far greater public disapproval [65% against impeaching] lost badly in the Senate & paid no price whatsoever.”…
INDEED: “Nancy Pelosi & the Democratic political & media establishments bungled their jobs from the first. That’s true not only of impeachment but of all matters pertaining to corruption.”…

ANSWER 1: @HouseJudiciary Dems “pummeled Pelosi with the argument that initiating an inquiry would maximize legal leverage to force compliance with their oversight demands, which Trump is choking off on many fronts.”…
TRUMP Campaign slogan 2020: “No collusion; No obstruction”
PELOSI Campaign slogan 2020: [30 seconds of silence] then, “I’m Nancy Pelosi & I approve of this silence.”