Several people injured.
Firefighters on the scene.
Live footage from NHK:
Someone spread a gasoline-like fluid around the building.
You can see smoke coming out of the windows in that footage.
KyoAni has two other studios by the Kohata area as well as the head office (business side). Those studios have animation/painting divisions.
This is horrible, but this isn't the only building that Kyoto Animation operates out of.
"More than 10 people were injured"…
"Around 10:30 I was in my office when I heard a boom and sounds of an explosion. I went outside and saw flames coming out of the second and third floors and people coming out. Smoke was coming up & fire dept. was called"
Trust them over random reports you may see on twitter.
30 people injured
10 unconscious.
According to the license he was carrying, the suspect is in his 40s.
10 people severely injured, unconscious
10 people injured at a medium amount
18 people mildly injured
From a nearby shopkeeper:
"I heard a young woman cry out 'Some stranger spread fuel and lit it! Help us!'"
Suspect: "I started the fire."
"I got in touch with director Naoko Yamada. It seems she's safe."
Police: "We can confirm multiple people have died."
One person died in the fire.
1 person has died.
This is in contrast to the police report from NHK.
We're still early, so details may be conflicting as more information comes to us.
This fire took place at Studio 1, which is located on the outskirts of Kyoto City limits in the Rokujizo area.
Studio 2, the head office, Studio 5, the KyoAni & Do Shop, and the merchandise development division are in Uji City, a station away
Several sharp tools (knife-like objects) were found at the scene. It's unknown if they belonged to the suspect or not.
Approximately 20 people are missing. Several people were found inside the building.
Arsonist said "Die" when setting off the fire.
10 people were found lying down on the second floor. All are presumed dead.
These are included.
"Several people suffered heart attacks. They were left behind as rescue efforts continue."
According to police, around 70 people were working inside when the arson occured. Already more than 10 people are considered dead and they have not been able to contact several others.
25 people found dead inside the building
36 people in hospital (varying levels of injury).
7 uninjured.
5 people's whereabouts are unknown
From Kyoto Fire Dept:
33 people dead, 12 men, 20 women, 1 unknown.
36 in hospital/injured.…
@gokunobaka has helped make a picture guide of how to order these and give some money directly.
(link in the tweet they're replying to)
What I described as "heart attacks" previously referred to people who were described as "cardiopulminary arrest" (meaning not breathing/beating heart)
I have learned from this and apologize for my poor translation of the news.
From fire dept: (rot13ed)
Nyzbfg nyy bs gur 20 crbcyr qrnq ba gur guveq sybbe jrer sbhaq ynlvat va gur fgnvejryy pbaarpgvat gb gur ebbsgbc qbbe. Sversvtugref jrer noyr gb bcra vg sebz gur bhgfvqr j/b xrl.
One man who was taken to the hospital for treatment from the fire has died. The count is now at 34 people.…

In President Hatta's remarks yesterday, in addition to commenting on the 34th casualty, he mentioned how there was a staff member who had to have their legs amputated.…
President Hatta mentioned demolishing the remains of Studio 1 and plans to build a park with a monument in its place.
"Thinking about staff and locals, there's people who don't want to see such a ghastly sight. I want to take care of it quickly."…
One of the people who sustained severe burns and is recieving treatment is a 35-year old S. Korean woman referred to as "A-san."…
The police have issued an arrest warrant for the suspect in the Kyoto Animation arson incident. They plan to arrest him once he recovers from his burns.
"I don't want the titles we preciously created to go to waste due to this incident. While we can't predict what will happen, everyone left wants to do their best for the staff members who passed away."
According to the male staff member who's spoken to the press, the door to the roof was the hard to open type with two levers. "I couldn't open it at first."…
He heard a male voice on the first floor shouting something and then women shrieking. Another man yelled "Fire!" from the first floor. A woman on the second floor pressed the disaster button and around 15s later smoke poured up through the spiral staircase.
He squatted to try to breathe and headed towards the veranda.
After that, he saw two women on fire down below and people telling him to jump.
On the minibus taking them to the hospital, he saw around 20 people from his floor (2nd).
The police investigation has revealed that the arsonist arrived in Kyoto a few days before the event and investigated around the studio, waiting for that day.
Here's footage of what appears to be the arsonist rolling a cart near KyoAni's Studio 5/Shop and Head Office the day before the arson incident.
The Kyoto Fire Dept says KyoAni Studio 1 had sufficient fire prevention measures.
Qrngu ol sver: 26, PB2 cbvfbavat: 4, pubxvat: 2, jubyr obql oheaf: 1, haxabja: 1.…
The Kyoto Police have finished confirming identities of all 34 victims. They've reached out to the contacts for those involved as well. They're in discussion with KyoAni about disclosure of names soon.…
Kyoto City dispatched 11 nurses to the neighbors in the area around Studio 1 to help them heal as well.
It's raised over 274 million yen with one person donating 1 million yen themselves.……