#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter
A cargo arrived with food Clap, to provide to the people of Zulia, after the electrical sabotage conelmazodando.com.ve/196002

Venavega, takes 5 thousand 472 tons of food to the Port of Maracaibo conelmazodando.com.ve/196005

Four flights of the Plan Return to the Homeland arrived Saturday to the country conelmazodando.com.ve/196003

Mar 14
Everything is back to normal, the electricity is back and #Venezuela has once again survived another attack from #Washington n its allies.
God bless the people of #Venezuela, their community spirit and their resilience!
😂 Continue to believe in Guaido's COMPULSIVE MYTHOMANIAC, they left them alone and exiled, I remind you that traitors no one wants them!
USA is flghting drug trafficking, right?!
'it recently became clear US intelligence agencies are working to establish contacts with smugglers & drug traffickers in order to provide them information about illegal cross-border crossings' fort-russ.com/2019/03/remark…
Evo Morales: "US-led coup plot against Venezuela was dismantled conelmazodando.com.ve/196024

By @telesurenglish
#VenezuelaBlackout | After all the attempts from the opposition, their promotion of chaos and violence has failed.
By @telesurenglish
The Deputy Foreign Minister of🇷🇺Sergei Ryabkov announced a meeting with the🇺🇸special envoy to🇻🇪 Eliot #Abrams, in which he will tell him face-to-face that a military intervention in the South American country is unacceptable.
SOLIDARITY! #Argentines protested against foreign intervention in #Venezuela #Lechuguinos #17Mar #FelizDomingo ow.ly/qHi730o4Nuv
OVERWHELMING! Americans protested at the White House to demand that Trump get his hands out of Venezuela (+ PHOTOS) #Lechuguinos #17Mar #FelizDomingo ow.ly/QFkP30o4Nup
KICKBACK? Iván Duque now distances himself from military intervention in Venezuela #Lechuguinos #17Mar #FelizDomingo ow.ly/tIUF30o4Nu3
Used and discarded. Military Deserters beg for help from Guaidó, but he left them abandoned (+VIDEO) #Looks #17Mar #FelizDomingo ow.ly/dY0R30o4Nu0
The supposed amnesty that Guaidó promised deserters was a sham (+ VIDEO) #Lechuguinos #17Mar #FelizDomingo ow.ly/2STL30o4NtX
Guaidó is the main promoter of looting in the country lechuguinos.com/guaido-princip…
THE GUARDIANS ARE RETURNING! International delegation denies humanitarian crisis in Venezuela lechuguinos.com/delegacion-int…
NOT A BLOCK FILLED! This was the call of Guaidó in the Av. Cedeño de Valencia (+ PHOTOS) #16Mar lechuguinos.com/concentracion-…
Marco Rubio @marcorubio is a COMPULSIVE LIAR. YOUR TWEETS in relation to #Venezuela are LIES or THREATS🤪🙄😏Sad figure🤪🤡👈🏼😏🤣

Military Deserters threaten to publish a video of how they would blow up Puente Simón Bolívar if Gaby Arellano did not give them an answer. (Evidence) lechuguinos.com/desertores-ame…
Zakharova: "Another alarming thing is that US Secretary of State M. Pompeo said that the presence of personnel was a limitation for US actions. What actions are meant?"
On the Ground in Venezuela vs. the Media Spectacle counterpunch.org/2019/03/18/on-… … by @NatCounterPunch
@NicolasMaduro @jaarreaza @dcabellor @vladimirpadrino @cardenas1966 @madeleintlSUR
By @bodhibrian
His next site of "regime change action"
The🇻🇪opposition also protested in DC. Someone notes that they are mainly white 🇻🇪
- Are you black?
"Where are the black Venezuelans?"
"Why is it okay for you to be white and not me?"
- (...) they are all white as our government (🇺🇸).
Important article. You should read this 👇🏾 ...
The cynicism of the right has no limits, this Piti Yanki got involved in the guarimbas against Venezuela and then says that the legitimate protests in his country are not justified.
These people have no morals or shame.
In any case, thank @CNN @cnni & @nytimes @nytimeses for the effort they make to try to correct their mistakes, committed in #Venezuela
Exposure of the burning aid truck deception fails to prompt more corporate media skepticism about the interventionist narratives it shapes fair.org/home/exposure-… … via @FAIRmediawatch
This mainstream media are FAKE NEWS⚠️😡👇🏼

By @MediaGuerrillaV
👉🏼@VivianSequera FAKE NEWS, again. War propaganda against #Venezuela. See the truth😉👇🏼: Caraqueños did not draw water from the Guaire river but from a pipe in the wall
This mainstream media are FAKE NEWS⚠️😡👇🏼
See the truth here (VIDEO): 😉👉🏼goo.gl/KpSGek 👈🏼😉

Investigation reveals Pence and Bolton lied to promote US regime change in Venezuela. Nothing new there. I wonder why CNN, MSNBC, FOX, etc. haven’t shared this information with the American people. Kudos to New York Times.
Dear @TulsiGabbard, thank you 4 supporting the truth on the incidents at🇻🇪border.We at @SWEDHR demonstrated it (that Guaidó forces Molotov-bombed the trucks) weeks before the @NYTimes investigation
i.e. Feb 25: &
Beautiful solidarity action in Los Angeles yesterday demanding an end to US sanctions, coup & war on Venezuela. ¡Chavez vive, la lucha sigue! #Mar17 #HandsOffVenezuela @ Pershing Square instagram.com/p/BvICz-PDHve/… …
A look at yesterday's solidarity demonstrations across the world from our friends at @peoplesdispatch #HandsOffVenezuela #Mar17
"But I’m saying there is more than that: solidarity must help countries have food security, total independence in relation to food...Hunger is a weapon often used by imperialism. "
Exclusive interview @vijayprashad venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/14385

.@lubrio is someone everyone (who understands Spanish) should follow. In this article he explains why he's convinced a cyber attack took place despite the absence of conclusive evidence so far
Even Democratic Socialist standard bearer @SenSanders has neglected to denounce @POTUS ’s criminal sanctions on🇻🇪Nor has he condemned the rehabilitation of war criminal Elliott Abrams like he did re Henry Kissinger during 2016 primary venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/14390
📻 ‘'It would be difficult for the US to intervene militarily in Venezuela' earlier today I spoke to @shottlandka from @SputnikInt about the situation in Venezuela, where Washington's coup seems to be losing momentum #HandsOffVenezuela soundcloud.com/radiosputnik/i…
VA's Lucas Koerner was on @thisishellradio to discuss US coup efforts in Venezuela and the role of solidarity
Listen here: venezuelanalysis.com/audio/14393

Solidarity rallies held around the world today. These photos are from Mexico City. #HandsOffVenezuela

4 h4 horas atrás
After the media spectacle #Venezuelan soldiers weren't useful anymore so the #Colombian government and #JuanGuaido abandoned them.
If you would like a detailed rundown on the prelude to the situation in Venezuela we have used an excellent video prepared by a published specialist (@AlanRMacLeod) to produce a blow-by-blow account of the majority of factors involved.
… ‘Hands Off Venezuela,’ Protesters Say They Would Trade Trump For Socialist Dictator Maduro and this is in the States!
I do not see this news on mainstream media. Someone wants to keep it in the hide.
By @kim9973

We are protesting in DC against the Venezuelan opposition's theft of Venezuelan government property. Here they are taking over the military attaché building #HandsOffVenezuela
#Caracas #Venezuela, fire at an mountain area outside the city
Maduro should begin to arrest the traitors who are inciting this & sabotaging the normal functioning of the country, it is time to see the reality,🇺🇸is at war against this nation.
There is a fire at an mountain area outside the city of #Caracas in #Venezuela, the fire is in the path of, installations of electrical cables above them.
#CIA #VenezuelaCoup #Blackout

The #Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister @jaarreaza denounced that the country’s #diplomatic premises in the #UnitedStates have been forcibly seized by Washington-backed agents.
"The first thing we noticed was the lack of poverty" - two journalists go to Venezuela and were very surprised by what they saw- and didn't see.
By @AlanRMacLeod
There are mounting signs of military planning for Venezuela
File this 🇻🇪 story with these other corporate media classics:
"🇮🇶 soldiers took Kuwaiti babies out of incubators to die"
"Qadhafi gave his soldiers Viagra"
"🇰🇵 has 1 haircut"
ie, in the Totally Fake Cartoon Propaganda filing cabinet
This is, without a doubt, some of the most flagrant bullshit I've ever seen in a major newspaper.
Withholding oxygen from patients until the election so....what? They die? This makes zero sense. They're not even pretending anymore.

There is only one president in Venezuela: Nicolás Maduro.
My latest for @PeoplesWorld.
I mean, he’s collaborating with war criminals. We’ve seen how US-backed regime change wars go. We don’t want another. #HandsOffVenezuela
BREAKING: right wing coup leaders and their white supremacist friends have illegally taken over the Venezuelan consulate in NYC.
Tell Congress not to legitimize the illegitimate coup! #HandsOffVenezuela
At #Venezuelan consulate 7 51st btwn 5th snd Madison - Guaido gang just took possession from Venezuelan sitting Government. #HandsoffVenzuela tell your Congressmember. Codepink.org/hands_off_vene… …

I'm told there are min 5 million 🇨🇴 refugees in 🇻🇪 & Colombians come here for the free health care & housing. Was told today by a man living in Merida that 🇨🇴 women come to nearby hospital to give birth cuz too expensive in 🇨🇴, free in 🇻🇪.
Yep, about the 5 million Colombians in Venezuela in the BBC. 👇
*Regime Change in Colombia? 🤔
🇷🇺's Deputy FM #Ryabkov to meet with🇺🇸Special Representative for🇻🇪 #Abrams on 19 March: We will warn the🇺🇸against forceful intervention and other forms of unlawful influence on the legitimate authorities in Caracas #HandsOffVenezuela bit.ly/2HFntEk

Apparently a flight with some sort of mechanical or engine troubles had to land (safely) in Caracas. Rather ironic given MSN claims about chaos here...
“Sanctions aren't there to bring democracy to the people, sanctions are there to bring a country to its knees so we can overthrow their government, install a puppet and steal their natural resources”– @Jimmy_Dore gregpalast.com/venezuela-the-…
Watch @EvaKBartlett warn people to consider their sources of news about the situation in #Venezuela - "We've seen these types of propaganda wars before."
@Blacks4Peace @VFPNational @WILPF_US @CdnPeace
Those who are concerned about refugees coming to the🇺🇸from Guatemala, Honduras & El Salvador need to recognize that the conditions in those countries were fueled by destructive policies pushed by Bolton & Abrams in the 1980s to side with autocracies over democracies.

Nicolás Maduro, like Hugo Chavez before him, has committed the unpardonable crime of representing the Venezuelan people instead of American corporate and financial interests. ~ Paul Craig Roberts

Understand you are making a choice. Either you stand with the millions supporting their process or with the racist Trump administration and democrat party supporters of white oligarchs in Venezuela.

"I've seen the horrors of war and I came to #Venezuela to support peace," Dan Shea of @VFPNational
7 billions dollars have been stole from Venezuela by US government every year!!!
They are strangling Venezuela just like they did in Chile in 1973.
1/ This is an absolute war of information. On the left is Puente de Angostura in Bolívar state, 20Feb.There are countless verifiable images of this Chavista event. VTV streamed it live.On the right is a doctored image spread widely by opposition accounts online.

2/ 100% verifiable video of this 20Feb event can be found absolutely everywhere. Here are some on twitter:
- bit.ly/2TgY0at
- bit.ly/2VsvyzQ
- bit.ly/2EuuPr5
- bit.ly/2H7NewM
- bit.ly/2TjK2Vi
SS really?
"Th🇺🇸-led Schutzstaffel continues to starve its hostages in the Rukban Concentration Camp. The recreation of the SS invader troops—of course–includes illegal 🇫🇷 & 🇬🇧 occupiers. The🇺🇸has kept its fascist threat to hold the 40,000+"
You see how they create a false reality with propaganda. I just returned from Venezuela where the only suffering that is taking place is result of🇺🇸sanctions & criminal attacks. Again- Venezuela is litmus test for authentic anti-imperialism

While seizing Venezuelan gov’t property in Washington, Carlos Vecchio says Juan Guaidó being arrested in Venezuela would have “positive impact” and would “accelerate” regime change
Vecchio’s comment confirmed what I said weeks ago …
URGENT: Coup plotters have occupied the Venezuelan consulate in New York on 51st St. We have been asked to gather a crowd of people who stand for Venezuela's sovereignty outside. #HandsOffVenezuela
Today in Geneva... …
Watch our presentation here in twenty minutes …
It will be an honor to present alongside @Alfreddezayas, the first UN official visit and report from Venezuela in 21 years, whose blistering report on the impact of US economic warfare has been virtually ignored in US media independent.co.uk/news/world/ame…
The US delegation has organized what appears to be a counter-event to ours. It is co-sponsored by noted human rights champions like Apartheid Israel, Colombia, Georgia Albania and Hungary.

El escritor y periodista @MaxBlumenthal en el Foro "Crisis Humanitaria en Venezuela: propaganda vs realidad" desde la #ONU Ginebra comparte su experiencia sobre los logros de las Misiones Sociales y el riesgo que representa la agresión contra🇻🇪para su desarrollo

Mar 13, Journalist @MaxBlumenthal on continuing🇺🇸attempts to destabilize the 🇻🇪government. A member of the @PuebloSF talks about being surveilled by homeland security for his frontline work with #refugees. A rebroadcast: public schools. kpfa.org/player/?audio=…
.@AmbJohnBolton still relying on people being unable to compare two numbers in order to push the "humanitarian aid" narrative. 🇺🇸pledged $20M in "aid", whereas latest sanctions alone (oil embargo in late January) cost 🇻🇪 $30M... per day!
Venezuelan sociologist and former government minister Reinaldo Iturriza calls on the international left to place itself firmly on the side of Venezuela’s popular struggles.
Read the interview here➜ venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/14394

Even war criminal Elliott Abrams has to laugh while trying to explain that 🇻🇪's opposition declared @jguaido interim prez b/c Maduro "abandoned office" but that they won't start counting the 30-day interim period..until Maduro leaves power🤔
Atilio Boron analyzes, in Spanish, US interference in Venezuela's affairs in what he calls a "rehearsal" for "5th Generation Warfare"
Watch it here.
After🇻🇪opposition took control of three diplomatic offices in the🇺🇸, people gathered outside New York consulate rejecting this action. Opposition had plans to “celebrate” but protesters blocked the entrance so anyone else couldn’t enter.
Why don't #London, #Paris and #Berlin condemn the #US assault on the #Vienna Convention? The silence is deafening #HandsOffVenezuela

Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister @jaarreaza denounced that the country’s diplomatic premises in the UnitedStates have been forcibly seized by Washington-backed agents. More soon on VA.

Here’s a message I sent to @teleSURtv, a Venezuelan TV station.
Full video and transcription available here: bit.ly/rwvenzue
The recolonization of Latin America by the United States should be seen for what it is -- a crime against all of humanity #HandsOffVenezuela

Know, @MaxBlumenthal @anyaparampil @Alfreddezayas and @SuresDDHH will present on the economic and propaganda war against #Venezuela. I will livestream the event here. Stay tuned! pscp.tv/w/b2DgcDFWR2p2… …
When🇺🇸officials say“freedom”it’s actually a threat. In🇱🇾,sponsored“freedom”looks like slave markets. In🇮🇶&🇸🇾 it looks like a civil war & a vicious Al-Qaeda/ISIS insurgency.Across Latin America it means far right corporate pillaging. FREEDOM

20 h20 horas atrás
International Cabal Crimes are Blamed on Americans w/ Dr. Alfred de Zayas (Part 2)
On 16 and 17 March, protesters around the world gathered to tell Trump: “Hands off Venezuela”.
As the US-backed coup attempt in Venezuela loses steam, global solidarity seems to be growing stronger.
#Venezuela | So #JuanGuaido is the interim president of an interim that doesn’t exist yet?
#NicolasMaduro #ElliottAbrams #HandsOffVenezuela
Because Guido is not. He is a traitor puppet with an ambition to be president even at the cost of total destruction of what he claims is his country. But, traitors have no country - they are socio-psychopaths
Reminds me of🇸🇾defectors who collided with the CIA & now live in🇹🇷in poverty with serious injuries & zero assistance from their former American benefactors.
It is common for the🇺🇸to use these people and then totally abandon their proxies.
Venezuelan Opposition Seizes Control of 3 Diplomatic Buildings in US
sputniknews.com/latam/20190319… @Filomen03258997 @jguaido @MintPressNews they cant win thru honest elections only thru seizure and aided by US empire #HandsOffVenezuelaTrump #HandsOffVenezuela
By @SputnikInt
Russia does not recognize @jguaido as Venezuelan leader, Deputy FM says sptnkne.ws/kYdq

By @PressTV
Iran, Russia FMs vow efforts to help resolve #Venezuela crisis ptv.io/2iHk

The Grayzone testified about🇻🇪today at a 🇺🇳 Human Rights Council session in Geneva.
@MaxBlumenthal and @AnyaParampil joined ex-Special Rapporteur @AlfreddeZayas on the panel "'Humanitarian crisis in Venezuela: Propaganda vs. reality"
Watch: @MaxBlumenthal debunks corporate media lies about Venezuela in a speech at a United Nations Human Rights Council session in Geneva
'The mask of the US is off': At a Human Rights Council session in Geneva, @AnyaParampil spoke about the US-led regime change war on Venezuela and the right-wing opposition's use of violence
In this short video, community media outlet @TatuyTv takes a look at the unfolding coup in Venezuela and what comes next.
Bolton & US puppet Guaido urged Venezuela’s military to defect w/ promises of amnesty. After they were no longer useful, they’ve been kicked out, given maps w/ nowhere to go 🤷🏻♀️
"In the best-case scenario, [...] the🇻🇪people would welcome the foreign forces with open arms." Someone tell this writer that "best-case scenario" doesn't mean "fairy tale". Shades of Cheney talking about🇺🇸being greeted as liberators in🇮🇶
'2 things stand out about the US coup in Venezuela. First, it is unusually open. Typically, the US tries to hide its coups. Second, the coup is built on a series of obvious falsehoods,' popularresistance.org/venezuela-what…
Geneva International Peace Research Institute GIPRI: Interview with Dr. Alfred de Zayas on the crisis in Venezuela … dezayasalfred.wordpress.com/2019/03/19/gen…
Shouting "Vende Patria!" and "#HandsOffVenezuela" American citizens - who recently participated in the International Peoples' Assembly (AIP) in Caracas - demonstrated in defense of #Venezuela Consulate in New York. #18Mar
(See how they cover the face)
Shouting "Vende Patria!" and "#HandsOffVenezuela", US citizens demonstrated in defense of the #Venezuela Consulate in New York. #18Mar
Vigil in front of the #Venezuela Consulate (New York) about Guaido's statements they say will occupy the diplomatic seat of the Venezuelan Embassy in the US.
(The activists who participated in the AIP in Caracas guard the embassy). #18Mar

The activist Claudia de la Cruz, from the South Bronx, raises her voice denouncing the US government's siege against the Venezuelan people.
(Solidarity vigil, Consulate of #Venezuela, New York, USA, #18Mar).
Edward @Snowden reminds us that the🇺🇸government has already been laying the groundwork to cause massive power outages like the one that recently hit #Venezuela. The idea of 🇺🇸-caused sabotage is not far-fetched.
@marcorubio the same type of “freedom” that brought mass suffering, mass murder & mass displacement to countries like Nicaragua, Chile, Iraq, Libya & Syria?
‘Bank of England Has No Right to Withhold Venezuelan Gold'
Imperative listening on #Venezuela and the fake humanitarian crisis, with @Alfreddezayas , former UN rapporteur to Venezuela and professor of law.
#neocon logic hard at work...
At least there are journalists left though, like Matt Lee and @Gayane_Chich
TRUTH EMERGES! BBC World for the self-proclaimed: "You recognize that nobody voted for you as president" #Lechuguinos # 19Mar #FelizMartes ow.ly/auFz30o6QU4
ORDERLY BY GUAIDÓ! Fire in the Warairarepano National Park was provoked (+ El ÁVILA) #Lechuguinos # 19Mar #FelizMartes ow.ly/dkvq30o6QU0
Claudio Fermín would never vote in Guaidó for supporting blockades and intervention against Venezuela (+ VIDEO) #Lechuguinos #19Mar #FelizMartes ow.ly/ao9p30o6QTY
International media stopped calling Guaidó "interim president" #Lechuguinos #19Mar #FelizMartes ow.ly/5fcc30o6QTS
Americans protested in front of the Venezuelan consulate in New York while it was assaulted by Guaidó gang (+ VIDEO) #Lookers #19Mar #FelizMartes ow.ly/PSf030o6QTP
The US Treasury and its Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) have been the instances that articulated and executed the blockade and the embargo against Venezuela bit.ly/2HElyja
ParodyAccount @Globoterror:"@jguaido's DiplomaticRepresentatives in the🇨🇿,🇵🇱&🇬🇧cannot ProcessPassports, issue OfficialDocuments nor do anything an EmbassyDoes, but TheyPledge to re-tweet TheRequests they get so that SomeoneWill DoSomething"
"There is a lot that the international left can do to help us break through the media’s brutal informational and analytical blockade about what is really happening in Venezuela."
Don't miss this interview with @ReinaldoI (by @ROAR_Magazine)
@AmbJohnBolton really sounds like a broken record. He might as well wear a tshirt saying "embrace US-imposed democracy or face sanctions!". If supporting the coup is "the right thing to do", why the need for threats?
Deranged US General (Rtd) Anthony Tata wants a 'Haiti style' op against #Venezuela. Oil, 'humanitarian war' and 'a bullet to the forehead'. But Venezuela isn't Haiti, just as #Syria wasn't Libya.
In the #UN | President of @fundalatin denounces that the siege of the #UnitedStates & #Colombia against #Venezuela violates international law & the Human Rights Council must condemn it aloud and not keep silence of complicity.
Literally the elite still has power (town hall), the elite is fighting against the govt.
Homeless families create an organization as a "company", the govt transfers land & materials to them to build their own houses.
One of the first things that then (2016) newly elected opposition led National Assembly tried to do was introduce a privatisation law that would have taken the houses away.
Thank God, the supreme court stopped them.
All governments members of the Lima Group are openly hostiles with #Venezuela.
Here's a fact about this coalition.

"I'm a journalist, I have family in🇻🇪& knew the reality was very different from what the media is portraying, but still I was surprised The first thing we noticed was the lack of poverty. We couldn't find any homeless..."
-Carolina Graterol counterpunch.org/2019/03/18/on-…
Slept overnight at DC Venezuela embassy when we heard opposition might try to take it over, as they took over the NY consulate and the DC military attache office. This is insane!!!

At panel on Venezuela regime change propaganda, UN human rights expert @Alfreddezayas blasts "manipulation": "We are swimming in an ocean of lies." thegrayzone.com/2019/03/20/un-… … via @BenjaminNorton
At the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, DC, preparations are being made by @answercoalition @codepink to protect it from the imposter "government" of Juan Guaidó.
Activists are prepared to cite the law! Occupation of this embassy by the Opposition is illegal under international law, per the Vienna Convention.

The lies on top of lies continue. The lie about rejected aid, the lies about Maduro, and the lie about why the electricity was cut off. @TheOliverStone tells what he knows about the electricity grid lie. #HandsOffVenezuela
independent.co.uk/news/world/ame… …
"Venezuela is being used as an external enemy in Latin American countries as a way to elect far-right political leaders," says Maria Luísa Mendonça, noting the election of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil. "That's very dangerous." #DNlive

When in doubt, impose more sanctions. US now targets Venezuela's gold sector as the regime-change operation continues #SanctionsKill
My latest on the reality ive seen behind the war of information on Venezuela thecanary.co/feature/2019/0…
Think a disaster like the🇮🇶War could never happen again? Wrong. We're on the warpath RIGHT NOW in 🇻🇪with many of THE SAME PEOPLE who lied us into🇮🇶(John Bolton, Elliott Abrams) bombarding us with MORE LIES to pave the way for ANOTHER US-led regime change for OIL.

The people of Simón Bolívar do not surrender, go ahead in a battle permanently for the future of the great Venezuela. We are the sons and daughters of Hugo Chávez; The enemies of the motherland will not be able to with uspic.twitter.com/WASenR3XBN
🚫Prohibit the🇺🇸from imposing sanctions👌🏼The🇺🇸uses sanctions to destroy countries that don’t agree with their foreign policy. This is a crime💀☠️👇🏼
It is time for all world leaders to say: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH‼️
You can’t allow the 🇺🇸 to continue to apply sanctions. Sanctions is a weapon of war. Sanctions is a crime. The only entity that should apply sanctions is the General Assembly of the @UN

Special Briefing.
#Venezuela, #ElliottAbrams says🇷🇺 & the🇺🇸have failed to come to an agreement on how to resolve the crisis in🇻🇪#LatinAmerica
#HandsOffVenezuela #NoMoreExcuses #nomoresecrets
Watch whole 👇video👇& look at his face reaction🤔
🇷🇺 reads neoconman & warlord Eliot Abrams the riot act:
'Russia is opposed to any efforts by the🇺🇸to use ‘humanitarian aid’ as a pretext to intervene in #Venezuela, Deputy FM Sergey Ryabkov told US special envoy Elliott Abrams,'there. rt.com/news/454248-ry…
After WWII, which left the rest of the🌐destroyed,🇺🇸had NO COMPETITION.
It was the only manufacturer & was selling products for GOLD. That's how it amassed the biggest gold reserves( now gone).
Until De Gaulle asked to be paid in Gold
And made US default.
After this, Kissinger made the Saudi deal, to back the dollar with oil, aka the petrodollar, the world reserve currency.
Through this, US lives on the back of the world.
The financial system, the modern day colonialism, is in US' hands.

See my caricature, the sacred Saudi oil cow.
🇺🇸would like to recreate the conditions after WWII, but another world war is not that simple to create. This way,🇺🇸would be left again, with NO COMPETITION.
And become great again( aka MAGA).

’Social imperialists’ like Sanders & Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are weak on peace.”When it comes to Venezuela, Bernie lies like an imperialist, & so does his protégé, Ocasio-Cortez
Brazilian activist Maria Luísa Mendonça says "it’s important to have resistance" to intervention in🇻🇪. "The discourse about🇻🇪is very similar to the discourse about 🇮🇶. At the end it’s about lying, misinformation, to promote a war that is ... about oil.” #DNlive

In🇻🇪it is possible to operate the cataracts completely FREE thanks to the #MilacreMission & the 🇨🇺-🇻🇪agreement.
In how many "humanitarian crises" does this happen?
We know that Mainstream media hides this information, which is why we show.
By @ErikaOSanoja
President @NicolasMaduro denounces that more than 5 billion dollars from the #Venezuelan State, destined to purchase medicines abroad, have been blocked in #Europe & #USA.

President @nicolasmaduro highlights that "Russia will continue to send medicines consecutively". Thanks the government of Vladimir Putin & the Russian people for cooperation in solidarity.
We have been decorating the Venezuela embassy with signs like this, in anticipation of opposition's attempt to take it over--like they did with the consulate in New York.

By @telesurenglish
The #US Department of the Treasury imposed sanctions against #Venezuela’s state-run gold mining company #Minerven.
#FromTheSouth | #NewsBits | Despite #FakeNews spread by the mainstream media, doctors & patients reaffirm that the binational agreement between #Cuba & #Venezuela has greatly improved the nation's #healthcaresystem.
Activists decided to spend the night at the Embassy of Venezuela after Venezuelan opposition took three diplomatic offices in the US.
@LavenderNRed @answercoalition
🇻🇪opposition took the control of tree diplomatic offices in the🇺🇸. Members of @codepink @answercoalition @pslweb & US citizens protest outside the Embassy of Venezuela in Washington DC
“The🇺🇸is complicit in all of this” #HandsoffVenezuela

@MarkWeisbrot claims that many of Trump's closest allies on Venezuela are pretty unsavory characters themselves...
Why does Reuters do stuff like this? It's an incontrovertible fact that the Trump administration is trying to overthrow the Venezuelan government. Yet they report it as an allegation by someone whom the media has spent years demonizing: reuters.com/article/us-ven…

UN human rights chief decries US choking of Venezuela as Trump mulls imposing ‘toughest’ sanctions on.rt.com/9qkq
Also here:
It was a pleasure to run into @jmcevoy2 in #Caracas. Once he started talking, I had to record his observations on how there the "humanitarian crisis" corporate media and US politicians are bleating about does not exist.
"Using the term 'humanitarian crisis', is to make a so-called 'humanitarian intervention' palatable to world public opinion" | @EvaKBartlett on Patreon patreon.com/posts/using-te…
By @BrianBeckerDC
The Vienna Convention declares that the foreign diplomatic compounds & buildings are inviolable even when relations are severed. 🇺🇸seizing🇻🇪’s embassies & handing them over to their puppet Guaido is an “act of war”
While US impose economic sanctions & Britain refuses to release $1.2 billion in Venezuelan gold.
What's your compassionate plan? Drones & Abrams-funded guerilla war? When has US intervention worked out for the civilians? Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen?

This is solidarity! Activists occupy the Embassy of #Venezuela in Washington, DC to keep the opposition pretend leader from taking it.
March on 3/30/19 at 1 pm at the White House #HandsOffVenezuela #NoNATO2019

"The only position that we can have is to oppose the US effort to topple this government, to oppose this threat of war, and to demand an immediate end of sanctions." @lm_koerner on #Venezuela and the left.
LISTEN: thisishell.com/interviews/104…
🇻🇪President Maduro denounces the US for "kidnapping" 5,000 million dollars for medicines
We thank the American social movements, which in a great gesture of solidarity with Venezuela, decided to collaborate in the protection of the facilities of our diplomatic headquarters. They were the first to ask their government to respect the Vienna Convention

In Venezuela the Local Supply & Production Committees supply highly-subsidized foodstuffs & other products to millions of Venezuelan's. This is the vibrant beating heart of Venezuelan Socialism in practice. Socialism, active human hearts

The UN Human Rights Council has approved a Venezuelan resolution on the negative social impact of unilateral coercive measures like sanctions, which have emerged as the US's favored weapon of warfare against independent states.
In an otherwise predictably one-sided report on🇻🇪,UN human rights chief Michelle Bachelet slammed🇺🇸sanctions on🇻🇪oil for "contribut[ing] to aggravating the economic crisis, with possible repercussions on people's basic rights & wellbeing" aljazeera.com/news/2019/03/r…
Citigroup will sell off an estimated 1.35 billion dollars worth of 🇻🇪’s gold after Caracas missed the buyback deadline due to🇺🇸sanctions.
This is theft and financial terrorism. Wall Street & Washington are run by pirates dressed in suits!
Maduro claims that Trump is witholding $5bn which was destined for buying medical supplies. He calls it a "criminal" measure.

Security forces in #Venezuela capture two members of a terrorist cell. They are said to have had plans for selective assassination and destabilisation. telesurtv.net/news/gobierno-… …

One of the terror suspects detained in #Venezuela - and found with illegal weapons - was 'chief of staff' for opposition leader and US puppet Juan #Guaido - vox.com/2019/3/21/1827…
UN expert on #Venezuela: "We are swimming in an ocean of lies!" Alfred de Zayas denounces the disinformation on Venezuela at a UN panel in #Geneva on March 19, with @MaxBlumenthal and @anyaparampil . Video from The Grayzone. Full video: …
Thank you @Alfreddezayas - more on #Venezuela: foreignpolicyjournal.com/2019/03/14/pre…
Angel Guerra:"The aggression of foreign powers gives revolutionary people the opportunity to raise their political consciousness & self-esteem,increase their willingness & culture of resistance & test their ability to defeat PowerfulEnemies" resumen-english.org/2019/03/goodby…

I'm unlocking this patreon ep w @MaxBlumenthal bc, scarily enough,the same media & libs who call Trump a megalomaniac w/ dementia, want him to oversee regime change in #Venezuela. Speaking of which happy 16 year anniversary of the invasion of🇮🇶.soundcloud.com/katie-halper/u…
BADLY BORN! US retains $ 5 billion from #Venezuela that were to buy medicine #Looks #21Mar #FelizJueves ow.ly/peDy30o8EX9
By @MIJPVenezuela
Thanks to the intelligence services, a terrorist cell that planned to conduct selective attacks by hiring mercenaries from Colombia & Central America to attempt against the lives of political & military leaders & sabotage public services was dismantled.

By @MIJPVenezuela
These investigations led to the arrest of Roberto Marrero (49) & Luis Alberto Páez Salazar (34) who were directly responsible for the organization of these criminal groups. During a search, a lot of weapons of war & money in foreign currency were seized.

#LIVE | President @NicolasMaduro announces the arrest of a terrorist cell that sought to bring Colombian mercenaries into Venezuela. One of those arrested is an adviser to oppositionist Juan Guaido.

#LIVE | President @NicolasMaduro: "The terrorist group that has been arrested, had as their objective to attack military bases, hospitals, and Metro stations."

No, this misery is not from🇻🇪Not from🇨🇺. It is in Minnesota🇺🇸where this year the poverty record has been reached since 1991,+than 10,233 people live in the most absolute misery, which clutters the miles & miles of road with campaign tents.
The Homeless shelters are full,people crowded out of the cities on the side of the road & under the bridges.Since 2015, it has increased by 62% the people who live on the street.The misery of the🇺🇸& its capitalism that doesn’t appear on TV
To this we must add the gravity of being in a tent with extremely cold temperatures. People in misery piled on the road under a plastic roof with temperatures of -25 degrees. This is the reality of capitalism that you don’t see in the news
The same #Mercenaries which flood into #Syria for creating more chaos... they are the same propoganda of War.... but they agenda have exposed widely
I bet the money trail leads back to the neo cons in the USA... having a puppet regime has always been their wetdream
Some of the promoters of these: @JimmyCarter #HenryKissinger @GeorgeHWBush @GeorgeWBush @BillClinton @HillaryClinton @BarackObama @SenJohnMcCain @POTUS @VP @SecPompeo @AmbJohnBolton @LindseyGrahamSC @marcorubio🤨

#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter