#2 Audit the election results starting NOW. All election results with HMPB can be audited--even on old systems like Diebold/GEMS. Do simple audits first that everyone can understand and observe.
#3 Conduct cyber-hygiene inspection to mitigate for any malware, poor quality, software bugs, etc. Reinstall certified Diebold/ GEMS software on the county servers. Buy new memory cards. Get a clean start for Nov. elections.
#4 Ballots should be counted by optical scanners (already owned by the state and counties). Counties should determine for themselves whether scanning/ counting should be done at polls or in central office. Both have pros and cons. But Audit!!
#5 Use the current auditable hand-marked ballot system through 2020 so that there is no chaos of implementation changeover of 159 computer systems at one time during presidential election year.