This is a big one. This Kafka By Way of Orwell logic is something we've been seeing more of, and will see yet more of.
To the fascist mindset, there's no contradiction here. You have to understand that.
We have been raining hellfire missiles on civilian neighborhoods for how long?
President Obama told them why they shouldn't pass the law, he told them why he vetoed it, and when they realized their mistake... they blamed him, for not telling him.
Wait, they MEANT it?
Falsely claiming he's a citizen is something any lying immigrant might do. It's a distinct and separate act, they are sure, from a citizen simply stating the truth.
No contradiction, to them.
Which just makes it cheekier, of course. The nerve of making them look foolish by falsely claiming the truth!
Empires, he said, create their own reality.
They feel cheated.
They feel... lied to.
It does more than shame them, it baffles them.
How so, I asked?
"He could have taken deportation."
The creation of a stateless other is part of the model.
This young man, this teenager, this boy... was being tortured. He told them the truth. The torture continued. It would have continued, barring external factors, until he agreed to their false reality.
It wasn't true, but it was the only answer the torturers would have accepted.