Mitigation is the only path forward to a better future. Even improving licensing & enabling research would be better than this.
But realistically?
Unless trained & drilled continuously, most normal humans freeze & forget basic “How to call 911” protocols. Even trained responders screw up taking a pulse.
Training won’t hurt.
But... it’s got low payoff.
A: You could. It’d take a huge amount of time & resources, but you could.
But before taking that path, authorize research into its efficacy & impact?
Because right now we’re not allowed to gather data & anecdotally it just traumatizes.
They got the same safety tips as you.
It did nothing for them.
This plan doesn’t work.
A: Authorize research.
End the fucked up public funding ban on even looking at causes & impacts of gun violence in American. Get some real data on the table so we can make decisions based on reality instead of pet theories.
Until then: This isn’t working.