He has not been suspended.
No public figures on the left - to my knowledge have condemned him.
This is beyond a “double standard.”
It’s pure, undistilled bigotry.

“Eradicate” - when referring to individuals or a group of people, not an ideology - is a call to destroy, to murder.
As is calling Kellyanne Conway - and the 63 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump - a “scourge.”
There is nothing Ivanka can do to persuade Aslan.
There’s nothing any Trump supporter can do.
Aslan HATES conservatives. All of them.

He warns against “facile generalizations” about the faith.
He’s called such generalizations “the definition of bigotry.”

Yet no progressive will identify him as such. Few see the inherent bigotry in calling ALL Trump supporters "white supremacists" or “white nationalist terror supporters.”
That moral blindness is a problem.
I.e., “That’s prejudice, but not *racism.*”
That’s what underlied Sarah Jeong’s bigoted tweets.
And it underlies Reza Aslan’s hatred.

We MUST demand the same of the left.
And until they demand the same of themselves, they are not fit to hold power.