This will be a thread...
This then became FOA's core.

I found volunteers like @SeamusBellamy, @waitmanb, @maria_zalewska and @McKayMSmith who wanted to donate their time and/or skills.
They also created our logo.

Their names were being mentioned.

He also wanted to help.
Just a few months after the team was established (remember, via social media), we decided to go to Poland.

The "video" has become a documentary with a story that makes me want to cry every time I think about the chain of events that led us to the person that we found and the story we are going to tell.

And I decided to share the full story now because in a few weeks we will be in Auschwitz again, on an emotional trip, filming and finishing a story that was born here.…
The documentary is just the beginning of something bigger. :) Thank you.
They are powerful, essential, and I deeply, deeply admire the courage of those who took and later saved them; Wilhelm Brasse in special.