It comes from a very similar place at Halperin’s admittedly-unhinged proposal.
The MCC as an appropriate place, well staffed and well run.

These institutions are far more fundamentally broken than most people either know or are willing to admit.

This is nothing new. And it plagues the entire system.

Librarians in guard towers, nurses walking the block.……

Those matter, but something else is happening here too.
Then that staff is exhausted. And often part of a institutional culture that dehumanizes the people in confinement.
Guards turning off a detainee’s water until he dehydrated to death:…
Dehumanization permeates our jails and prisons.
But no. Accountability is all too rare.
Again: the incentives and policies in our jails are fundamentally broken.
• Was Epstein murdered? Maybe.
• Did higher-ups order that he be taken off solitary in hopes he’d kill himself? Maybe.
• Did rank and file turn a blind eye to a detested sex offender? Maybe.
But is it possible this was just a predictable routine failure? Yes.
The right starting point is: “this is the sort of thing that is COMPLETELY predictable and almost expected.”
It’s time to put Dick Wolfean perspectives away.