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Jul 4th 2022
1/12 "The UK is performing worse than other wealthy countries in its respect for #CivilLiberties and #PoliticalFreedoms, according to new data for 2021 from @rightsmetrics."…
2/12 "@rightsmetrics is a global project that tracks #HumanR rights performance in 199 countries based on the opinions of human rights experts. Respect for freedom of association, opinion & expression in the UK has been declining from 2017 - 2021, according to experts."
3/12 "The tracker shows that the UK is performing less well than the other six countries included from [group of nations] the @OECD, including the United States and South Korea."
Read 12 tweets
Jun 13th 2020
Some important, but valid questions arise as I reflect upon the protests that happened in opposition to #CAA all over the country. Collating my thoughts as a thread and sharing it. The questions are open for anyone to answer. (1/N)
@sakthi_ind93 @Swamy39 @MaridhasAnswers
The #CAA guarantees to instantly provide Citizenship to all persecuted minorities from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh, who entered India before 31st Dec, 2014. There are 30K+ such immediate beneficiaries who will now be granted Indian Citizenship. (2/N)
Now, questions are raised by few senior MPs and politicians about why Muslims have been excluded. Obvious reasons include:

1. Out of the 30k people who are awaiting Indian #citizenship for many years, there are Hindus, Sikhs, Parsi, Jain, Buddhist and Christians. (3/N)
Read 24 tweets
Jan 20th 2020
🔥Ken Starr describes the President and his wife: ... didn’t have “the character to become the leader of the free world, public distrust doomed presidency... smug, dismissive, brittle, aloof, liar, enabler... their legacy is contempt for justice🔥…
It fits @realDonaldTrump & @FLOTUS to a tea, but Ken Starr was describing the Clintons and his deep animosity & hypocrisy is exposed. In Starr’s book Contempt, he again describes @realDonaldTrump perfectly: “a deeply flawed president who believed he was above the law. @tribelaw
🔥🔥🔥Ken Starr’s own words in his book, Contempt, should be used against him and be read as the opening statement‼️ @RepAdamSchiff @SpeakerPelosi @tedlieu @tribelaw 🔥🔥🔥
Read 7 tweets
Mar 26th 2019
In one of the most contentious decisions in the European Union’s history, the European Parliament today voted to approve a directive that undermines Internet users' ability to share their work and creates new limits on their ability to link, quote, and critique the news.
The Parliament narrowly rejected (by 5 votes) debating the amendment that might have removed the controversial #article13 and #article11 from the Copyright Directive and then approved the unaltered text in its entirety.
The vote came after a weekend that saw hundred thousands of netizens protesting across Europe, and months of warnings against the directive by technologists from Tim Berners-Lee and Vint Cerf, non-profits like Wikipedia and OpenStreetMap, human rights experts, and academics.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 26th 2019
[Thread] Mais qui s’occupe d’article13[.]org, salué hier par l’ @Elysee en soutien à la #CopyrightDirective ? #Article11 #article13 #Artikel17 #article17 cf… 1/9
Le whois n’est pas bavard : le nom a été déposé chez Gandi par une personne physique dont l’identité est par défaut protégée. Merci le #RGPD ! 2/9
Les mentions légales sont d'une transparence relative. On sait juste que le site a été créé par "EuropeForCreators". Aucune adresse, aucun n° de téléphone, rien. 3/9
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Mar 24th 2019
The final vote on the EU #CopyrightDirective is happening THIS WEEK!

Dozens of MEPs are undecided on how to vote on the EU's disastrous #CopyrightDirective. Here's how to call them now, and how to tell them to delete #Article11 and #Article13!
This is the most controversial Directive in EU history. The petition against Directive's #Article13 is the largest in history, with over 5 million signatures, and protestors have taken to streets this weekend to ensure that MEP's know what's at stake!
#Article13 would require "copyright filters" that would check every tweet, Facebook update, shared photo, and uploaded video to see if they were similar to items in a database of known copyrighted works, and block it if they found anything too similar…
Read 7 tweets
Mar 21st 2019
Today, tens of thousands of visitors to sites across Europe will see them entirely blacked out in protest of the EU's #CopyrightDirective for #Blackout21.

Here's why:…
The #CopyrightDirective poses a dire threat to the future of the free, fair and open Internet. Sites are protesting in part because, as @Wikimedia says, this Directive makes the simplest basic actions of those Internet users—sharing and linking—suspect.…
Under #Article11, the #LinkTax, text that contains more than a "snippet" from an article must be licensed and paid by whoever quotes the text—meaning countries could make laws that pass using as little as three words from a news story.…
Read 7 tweets
Mar 20th 2019
Chères autrices, chers auteurs,

Pourquoi ne vous êtes vous toujours pas bougé le cul contre la #CopyrightDirective ?

Ça vous convient de devoir payer une redevance à vos éditeurs ?

C'est dans l'#Article12, mais on peut aussi parler du 11 et du 13, c'est terriblement drôle...
L'#Article11 prévoit une taxe sur les liens vers les sites de presse et d'information.

Si Wikipédia est en lutte contre la #CopyrightDirective, c'est parce que cette taxe signera son arrêt de mort, ainsi que celui de bon nombre de sites de presse et d'information...
Et pourtant, combien de médias ont pris le parti de s'y opposer ?

@Telerama est à ma connaissance le seul grand média qui a eu le courage de s'opposer plus ou moins ouvertement à cette #CopyrightDirective, mais ce fut discret, et il est bien isolé.
Read 18 tweets
Mar 13th 2019
New statement by #copyright negotiator @AxelVossMdEP revels real agenda behind #Article13. He says about YouTube: Platforms that make money by giving access to ©️ protected works should perhaps not exist at all. #SaveYourInternet
It’s astonishing that @AxelVossMdEP still mixes up copyright infringement and protected content. Patreon, Tinder, TripAdvisor all make money by giving users access to protected content, but not by exploiting authors! Every work is protected from the moment of creation. #Article13
Here is the source for the statement:… #Article13 is clearly not about making Youtube pay more for creators. It’s about making sure that such platforms can’t exist and we go back to the days of good old television. #SaveYourInternet
Read 6 tweets
Mar 4th 2019
1850: German Press publishers want #copyright of news because the newly arrived technology of the telegram is ruining their business model. It is rejected. THREAD 1/26
1886: German Press Publishers want news to be covered by copyright in the Berne convention. It is rejected, and Ccopyright exception for news is established. 2/26
1908: German Press Publishers want to limit the possibility of reproduction of news by #copyright in the Berlin meeting for the Berne convention. It is rejected, as copyright is intended for inherently creative production. 3/26
Read 26 tweets
Feb 16th 2019
When I was elected 5 years ago, after Germany had passed a lobby-drafted law that crushed small media & helped Google, I never imagined that opposing the same law at EU level would inspire the @EU_Commission to compare me to the Brexit campaign:… #Article11
But this is what it’s come to. According to the @EU_Commission anyone opposing this law, that academics, human rights defenders at the UN like @davidakaye and even the inventor of the WWW @timberners_lee warn against, is a mob. They’re insulting the greatest supporters of the EU.
Many people, the @EU_Commission complains, get their info on #Article13 on YouTube, where it’s all lies & short slogans. Guess what: One of the most popular videos is a lawyer explaining #Article13 paragraph by paragraph. The video is 50 minutes long.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 14th 2019
Europe: What began as a bad idea has become an outright crisis for the future of the Internet as we know it: the #CopyrightDirective is headed for a final vote. There's never been a moment where your voice mattered more. #SaveOurInternet…
Over four million Internet users have signed the petition against the Directive. Now, it's time to call your MEP directly and tell them #Article11 and #Article13 would be a catastrophe for free expression and competition online. Text that reads: Article 13. They want you to believe that Article 13 is not about filtering content. #SaveYourInternet
Under #Article13, virtually every online community, platform, or forum will have to add copyright filters at a cost of millions.

Experts say this will turn the Internet into “a tool for the automated surveillance and control of its users.”…
Read 7 tweets
Feb 13th 2019
BREAKING: EU negotiators say they have struck a deal to approve #Article13 and #Article11, despite massive public opposition. Now only the EU Parliament can stop it. Contact your MEP now!…
The EU #CopyrightDirective has — amazingly — been made even worse. Now, #Article13 requires mandatory copyright filters for any online community that has existed for 3 or more years, regardless of size.…
For more information on who to contact, visit
Read 3 tweets
Jan 18th 2019
You did it!

European Internet users in key countries have been asking their governments to push back against #Article13 and #Article11 (copyright filters and the snippet tax).

Those countries just voted down the proposed text in the European Council.…
Net users in Belgium, Sweden, Germany, Luxembourg, Poland, and Czech Republic wrote negotiators, asking them to oppose #Article13 and #Article11.

All but the Czech Republic voted against going forward—tipping the balance decisively against the articles.…
Now, even the rightsholders are turning against the #CopyrightDirective:…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 18th 2019
BREAKING: Council has failed to find an agreement on its #copyright position today. This doesn’t mean that #Article11 and #Article13 are dead, but their adoption has just become a lot less likely. Let’s keep up the pressure now! #SaveYourInternet
The trilogue negotiation planned for Monday has apparently been cancelled by the Council. There may still be a trilogue before the election, if Council can agree on a text later. I'll blog as I get more news. #SaveYourInternet #Article13
Copyright negotiations hit a brick wall in Council: Read which countries voted against on my blog!… This is not the end of #Article11 and #Article13, but it shows that we can still turn things around! #SaveYourInternet
Read 4 tweets
Dec 13th 2018
In an hour starts what is supposed to be the last trilogue negotiation on #copyright. @AxelVossMdEP told us he’s prepared to make a deal based on completely new text that hasn’t been discussed. None of the shadows agreed with this, it’s irresponsible lawmaking! #SaveYourInternet
Yesterday, negotiators from across the political spectrum expressed their dissatisfaction with @AxelVossMdEP negotiation stile. @POLITICOEurope has more:… #SaveYourInternet
Discussions among governments in Council didn’t go smoothly either yesterday, apparently. Whether there can actually be a deal in the trilogue negotiation today is still wide open. Expect updates during the break around lunchtime and later tonight. #SaveYourInternet
Read 9 tweets
Oct 24th 2018
The fate of Europe's #Article13 and #Article11 are now being decided behind closed-doors. But many of EU's member states aren't happy with them -- including Italy's new government, who want them deleted entirely.…
We wrote to key decisionmakers today asking them to consider rejecting these two dangerous copyright proposals, or place strict controls to prevent abuse by tech companies and rightsholders.…
Copyright filters and new copyright-like powers over news snippets are being sold as a way to fix journalism and the European music industry. They'll fix neither.…
Read 3 tweets
Sep 13th 2018
Today Members of the European Parliament adopted three terrible proposals in the new #CopyrightDirective and rejected every good one, setting the stage for mass, automated surveillance and arbitrary censorship of the Internet. (1/6)…
#Article13: the Copyright Filters. All but the smallest platforms will have to defensively adopt copyright filters that examine everything you post, and censor anything judged to be a copyright infringement. (2/6)…
#Article11: Linking to the news using more than one word from the article is prohibited unless you're using a service that bought a license from the news site you want to link to. (3/6)…
Read 6 tweets
Jul 5th 2018
Το Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο πριν λίγο ΚΑΤΑΨΗΦΙΣΕ τα επίμαχα άρθρα περί λογοκλοπής και link tax στην ντιρεκτίβα για το copyright.
Εμείς δεν πήραμε χαμπάρι, αλλά τα τελευταία δύο χρόνια η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση φτιάχνει ένα νομοθετικό πλαίσιο για την προστασία του copyright στο ίντερνετ. Η ντιρεκτίβα που έφτασε στο ΕΚ σήμερα είχε φρικτά προβλήματα σε συγκεκριμένα άρθρα. Οι εκλεγμένοι εκπρόσωποί μας τα καταψήφισαν.
Εδώ είναι το κείμενο της οδηγίας…

Κι εδώ λίγο περισσότερες πληροφορίες για τα επίμαχα #Article11 και #Article13…
Read 3 tweets
Jun 20th 2018
Our live coverage of the EUs Parliamentary vote on “Copyright in the Digital Single Market" directive—including #Article13 and #Article11—begins now. Follow us @efflive for commentary. This committee vote may be the last chance a democratic institution has to modify the bill.
What’s being voted on?

#Article11 of the proposed law would create a new quasi-copyright power that would let news organizations charge others for linking and quoting tiny snippets of their news stories—even when they describe well-known facts, like "Trump Travels to Korea."
#Article13 would require mandatory copyright filters on any site that lets users upload their content to the world. These filters would scan every contribution to the Web, and refuse to accept anything that its algorithms believe may be copyrighted material.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 18th 2018
Everyone needs to know just how wildly dangerous the European Union’s vote this week could be for the global Internet, and the undecided members of the European Parliament must consider the massive worldwide ramifications of their votes. (1/24)
First, some EU lawmakers want to create a #LinkTax (#Article11)—a ham-fisted proposal that would punish those who use the Internet as an open platform for sharing. /2…
Second, they also want to force sites to filter nearly all of their users' submissions against a database of copyrighted works. #Article13 would create a #CensorshipMachine so big it threatens to wreck the Internet itself. /3…
Read 24 tweets

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