OK, this is going to be a long one and sure to piss off a great many folks, so without further ado - let's do it! Make sure you hang on! It's going to be a bumpy ride.
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European monetary policy is Tom-Cruise-Crazy. No other way to describe it.
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Their economies are lacking end-demand. The private sector refuses to spend. So what does the ECB do? They lower rates to negative levels. TRYING TO FORCE THE PRIVATE SECTOR TO SPEND.
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Of course not! It's absolutely insane that Europe continues down this road.
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Yup. I said it. This move in fixed-income is the death knell for the idea that Central Banks can control the economy through their policy actions.
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a) more monetary stimulus combined with
b) fiscal austerity
equals moribund growth with flat yield curves stuck at zero.
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Germany is running a 1.5% of GDP surplus. Their entire yield curve is negative.. Their economy has clearly rolled over.
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If they aren't going to spend with rates this negative, when ARE THEY GOING TO SPEND?
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So what do they suggest? Even more negative rates.
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The beatings will continue until moral improves.
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And Ken Rogoff has abandoned predicting the end of the world from too much debt and now advocates for ways to implement negative rates
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MONETARY POLICY IS INEFFECTIVE. The sooner we understand that, the better.
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Sure, it would be good if the Fed lowered rates. But that's not the real problem.
The real problem is an over-reliance on monetary policy.
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Yet buying any duration is an assumption that the world will continue with this over-reliance on monetary policy.
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But if you are worried about this changing...
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Yet so far, I am wrong. Monetary stupidity reigns.
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