👆was a response to my tweet 👉🏻“Post-Retirement” strikes as something that starts at 61 yrs age. Here ‘post retirement’ commences at 36 yrs Contd...
Another one
..there maybe a very thin line between stating brutal truth and putting your fraternity in a bad light.. contd..
👉🏻welfare schemes available for widows & their wards will be known by Commanding Officers.
👉🏻Units will make list of widows. Contd.....
👉🏻Term ‘Veer Naaris’ will be discontinued and ‘Widow of Battle Casualty OR Physical Casualty’ will be used.
👉🏻Free Education / Education grant ACTUALLY reaches children.
👉🏻Units reach widows rather than leaving widows to fend for themselves.
MY humble request to @adgpi PLEASE publicise as widely as possible. This has been biggest flaw of Forces. Let India know how much you care for your men even after they die.
A Havaldar retires at 24 yrs service. Retirement age? 43-45 yrs.
Subedar retires at 28 yrs. Age? 47 yrs.
Question is HOW many reach these ranks? One Sepoy out of seven becomes Naik, SIX Jawans retire.
Assume 50,000 recruits joined in year 2000. In 2019 42,850 WILL RETIRE in sepoy’s rank at 36-38 yrs age. This will happen every year.
Of the 7150 Naiks one in 4 will reach Havaldars rank. 5360 will retire as Naiks at 40-42 yrs age.
Of the 1790 Havaldars, only 40% will become JCO’s. 725 odd out of 50,000 become JCO’s. 49,285 retire at age 46-47 yrs and less.
This happens each year, year on year.
Analyse the Recruitment to Retirement figures.
👉🏻WHICH Central Govt Service hires 50,000 to 70,000 people EACH year and retires approx 49,000 to 69,000 when between 36 yrs to 46 yrs age?
👉🏻The finest Human Resource in terms of capability, commitment, integrity released on streets to keep Army YOUNG.
👉🏻These are the finest Soldiers, Gunners, Tank men, Engineers, Air Defenders, Electrical and Mech Technicians, Medical people and more.
👉🏻These people win Kargil, get PVCs, Ashok Chakras and entire range of awards. These soldiers are in flood relief, counter insurgency Republic Day Parade in fact EVERYWHERE.
👉🏻Each year 96-98% of a batch RETIRE while being less than 45 yrs age.
👉🏻Most are from rural areas or small towns.
👉🏻Have no house of their own.
👉🏻Fall back to parents homes and build couple of rooms.
👉🏻Children are in primary school to college.
👉🏻Salary stops overnight and are on pension of 18-30K per month.
👉🏻Responsibilities of life have just begun.
👉🏻Lumpsum payments during retirement are the only reserves.
👉🏻They become #OrphansOfState overnight.
👉🏻Jobs? Reserved seats for ESM? Organisations to resettle soldiers? Industry? Salaries? Kendriya Sainik Boards?
👉🏻With everyone claiming success of schemes, why is there sadness seen in a soldiers eye?
👉🏻REASONS are simple. There is NO connect between those manning organisations and Veterans. MASSIVE DISCONNECT.
I do not support ACP and Re-Employment that makes Army ‘old’. We must retain a ‘young’ Army.
Have a look at life of these soldiers once they are released at such young age and in middle of timeline of life.
👉🏻👉🏻Sepoy, Naik, Havaldar, Naib Subedar and Subedar
👉🏻Army has wide variety of technical and non-technical skilled soldiers.
👉🏻The MAJORITY 70% are combat soldiers, absolute top class in their job like Infantry, Artillery, Armoured, Air Defence, Mechanised Infantry
BUT ABSOLUTELY UNSKILLED for any post retirement jobs except one. GUARD.
👉🏻What a downfall! What a shame! Dignity and self esteem crushed! From jawan to JCOs only place to fit in is GUARDS. Shocking.
👉🏻A life spent with pride, dignity, elan, the best of the best, the best man behind machine, they win Kargil, Basantar, contd.
👉🏻Skill Development by Army? Shocking. ITI classes, Poultry, nonsense. Resettlement Directorate is FULL TIME working on providing GUARDS. Their imagination is restricted by their intelligence.
👉🏻 Industry finds no other way to employ them. GUARDS. A JCO as guard? Giving 12 hours duty THIRTY days a month? That’s Industry.
👉🏻Kendriya Sainik Boards, Directorate General of Resettlement, Contd....
👉🏻The proudest of our soldiers look like a heap of pity with perpetual sadness in their eyes. EVER MET ONE?
👉🏻These are the soldiers on Rajpath on 26 Jan, Guard of Honours, Counter Insurgency, War, Flood Relief, Kashmir, contd...
👉🏻Can anyone have courage to look into their eyes?
👉🏻How many have written about what I write?
👉🏻Aren’t we to blame?
👉🏻A common saying in Army is that a dead soldier leaves much for his family but a living veteran can barely make two ends meet.
👉🏻👉🏻Reality is bitter. These soldiers taste bitterness from 37 years of age.
👉🏻GUARDS. Salary? Directorate General of Resettlement says approx Rs 18,000/- per month. They provide guards to PSUs. The soldier must pay rent, food, commuting, travel on leave and medical from 18K. He must work away from home. Savings? ZERO.
👉🏻He cannot take up Guards work in private. Reason? PASARA - Private firms permitted in security employ rural uneducated youth at salaries of Rs 9-10K per month. Just step out and ask salary of first guard you meet on the street.
👉🏻👉🏻A proud soldier resigns to fate and his self esteem crashes. A sad end to glorious career.
WE AS LEADERS CAN DO SO MUCH, WE DONT. Read #CostOfLeadership a hashtag under which I have written reasons of failed leadership.
👉🏻Approx 12-1400 officers are commissioned each year. Assume that in 2003 complete year 1400 were commissioned.
👉🏻The Officer commissioned with a Lieutenant rank, gets Captains, Major and Lt Colonels Rank fulfilling basic requirements over 13 yrs service. Age 34 years. Family status? Married with two kids in 5-9 yr age group.
👉🏻 THE FIRST pothole. After two-three years as Lt Col, the FIRST Selection Board of Army HQ will decide how many among 1400 Lt Cols of 2003 batch will become Colonels. Ratio? 1:3or4 which means 420 to 560 officers will become Full Colonels.
👉🏻Rest? 840 to 980 Lt Cols? They are side tracked for balance of military life. They will retire at 52 yrs or 54 yrs age. Same rank or time scale Col which has no meaning.
👉🏻 Of the 420-560 Colonels, ONLY 120-130 will get promoted to Brigadiers. Contd..
👉🏻1400 started, by 52-54 yrs age 1270-1280 will retire.
👉🏻By 56 yrs age 60-80 Brigs will retire.
👉🏻THIS IS PYRAMIDICAL STRUCTURE. Nothing wrong. Army requires to be young. Contd..
👉🏻Army requires officers and mass exodus is not in org interest. So? An officers ambition, future, desire and life is sealed. Contd...
👉🏻Reality is, retirements commence at 52 yrs age and by 55 yrs 90 % of batch is out.
👉🏻NOW comes life after retirement. He is a veteran now. THE REALITY HITS NOW. Read on.
ACTION POINT 3 - Segregate Action Points in seniority in “Immediate Impact” to “Two Year Target”. Complete all actions by 2021. Give priority to Jawan & JCO’s followed by Officers. Solutions are simple and workable.
ACTION POINT 5 - Institute new qualification criteria for working in MoD. Let entire staffing be done on merit of understanding of Forces. Clueless people man MoD. Air India is staffed by Aviation people. Chairman?
Action Point 6 - Converge ALL Kendriya Sainik Board Offices, ECHS, CSD Canteens and open new ones in EACH District. Call them ‘MoD Complexes’. KSB already exists, use its infrastructure. Increase number.
Action Point 7 - Convert EACH MoD Complex into SKILL BUILDING INSTITUTE. From Nursing to Aircraft Maint, Policing to Recruitment, Engineering to Medical, Repair to Ship building -100% Top Instructors can be Veterans.
Action Point 8 - Convert each District Hub into Centre of Excellence. KEEP IAS, IPS and ALL GENERAL RANKS AWAY. Any Bureaucrat & Military Leader who has never addressed “Life of Veteran and Widow” issues be excused.
Action Point 9 - Skill Building Hubs, Veteran Data Base, National Skill Registry, FICCI, CII and more organisations must contribute towards organising these hubs. TCL, Infosys & Wipro type companies must be involved.
ACTUON POINT 10 - Let these Skill Hubs be manned, managed, directed by professionals and veterans. Identify Veterans in public life who dedicate their lives to ‘sewa’. CONTINUED... Action Point 11 to 20 follow.