Everyone's Jonesing to see you chained to a post with a bag over your head.
Bet you squeal like a little girl.
@realDonaldTrump 💖
😎 #NapalmSticksToPedovores
😎 #MAGA, even if it takes a decade of military tribunals🤣

Courageous as Eggplants, Loyal as Rabid Hamsters
All your accomplices and underlings desperate to firewall themselves, frantically virtue-signaling their asses off.


How to Lock-Up the FBI's Facebook Page for a Month
"Rumors are swirling that a number of agents were reprimanded, for circulating memos inquiring where the helicopter would drop them off, and from What Altitude.."

Loyalty Among the Hamsters
End the FBI
A few battalions of Marines should to the job nicely.
Donald "Rocket" Garrett (Ret)
US Army (AH-1) USAF (F-16)

Clown, Your Last Leak, Chained To A Post.
😎 #PinkPedoMist
😎 #NapalmSticksToPedovores

Everybody knows if Hillary ordered you to s*ck Rosie O’Donnell's d*ck you'd show up 7:00 AM wearing spurs and a tutu.
Triggering another shooting spree.
Nothing but fits of homicidal suicidal spite, eh #LeakyFreakySqueaky?
'We' includes US Military Special Forces, who really look forward to meeting all you monsters, personally.
How many 2-legged nonhumans?
I hear you freaks are running low on #MKKillerKidz as well.
When the Wind Whispers "GITMO" do voices in your head howl in reply?
When you kneel in a tutu I bet it snags on your spurs!