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Aug 30th 2019, 23 tweets, 6 min read Read on Twitter
Ok - I had to pause my live tweeting when they sat us down behind Joe and told us to put up our phones. But here is what I would have tweeted - in the moment - if I could have.
The place was packed. The venue was essentially a church gym and it was full. All the seats filled and people standing against the walls about 2 or 3 deep.
The crowd was an older group. My rough estimate would say - 80% over 35 & probably 65% over 50. But it was an extremely diverse group.
That diversity is what you will see around us as we sat directly behind Joe. This was to a large extent choreographed but it wasn’t unreflective of the larger room - versus a Trump rally when the only 5 black people in the place are put directly behind Trump.
An interesting fact: they told all of us behind Joe to stay sitting during the rally so that we didn’t block the big American flag backdrop. I thought that made sense.
The only problem was they told us to stay sitting at all times. So when it came time for the pledge - us and a few others stayed on our ass - as directed - and a bunch of people got up. So if you see me sitting on my ass during the pledge - on tape - that was not a protest.
The town hall was supposed to start at 6 but it started 20 minutes late. The guy sitting beside me works on a state senator’s staff & he said that the Rock Hill event started late earlier today too.

That’s 2 Town Halls in one day. You hearing that the Joe is 1/2 dead crowd?
Joe spoke for about 15-20 minutes to start things off. It was scripted but it came off as very natural. That was something that Hillary kind of struggled with. Sounding natural. That’s not a problem with Joe. He’s authentic & people feel that authenticity.
Joe got pretty damn fired up during his stump speech. A couple moments that stood out. He sounded more pissed than I was about the new Trump citizenship rule for soldiers’ babies born outside the US. He lit Trump’s ass on fire about that.
He also tore into Trump over the rule deporting sick folks. He referenced his son’s brain tumor and how terrible it would have be to face deportation at such a horrible & trying moment.
Then we kicked off the town hall. The questions were on criminal justice reform, education reform and “how can we get back to a normal separation of powers situation after Trump”.
After being there in person - I now know why Joe makes so his gaffes. It’s because he doesn’t carefully guard and script his every sentence. Joe would spend 10 minutes answering each of these questions - just pacing and talking naturally and earnestly.
He would make a lot less “gaffes” if he just answered prepackaged carefully scrutinized responses but that’s not Joe. He just walks and talks and quotes facts and figures like he’s being fed them but he isn’t. It’s completely organic and free-flowing and off the cuff.
This is beautiful to watch. But it’s dangerous. He surely knows that all these reporters are sitting there like buzzards on a roadside power line waiting for that big gaffe. But he doesn’t give a shit. He just paces and talks and laughs and talks and paces.
I saw no signs of fatigue. No signs of a lack of mental acuity. No signs of confusion. No signs of faulty logic. I could have done no better and likely couldn’t have done as well - at 49 years old.
After Joe wrapped up and the event “offically” ended - Joe was about 1/2 way done. Then he got to work individually greeting people. I bet he shook hands with and posed for selfies with 200-250 people. He greeted everyone of them like they were long lost friends.
This went on for an hour I guess - after the Town hall had ended. Here is a video I took of the line to speak to Joe and this was well after he finished the Q&A.
Charles Blow tweeted this morning “who’s excited about Joe Biden?” - Well- Charles - look at that video ofJoe standing in the middle of a swarm - with a long line waiting to see him. Do those non-ivory tower SC country people count, Charles?
What was cool - then - was Biden actually breaking from the swarm and just walking over to where we were standing. He walked right up to my son and said “what’s up, my man” with an extended hand. My son just about lost his shit.
And then this happened. What was funny was Joe took Liam’s phone and said “let me do it”. Then he looked at it - it’s a new Samsung - and said “whoa, man - what’s thiis? what do I push? Never mind - I got this”.
And then this happened. Please allow me to speak frankly. I hadn’t peed since about 2 o’clock because we just didn’t have the chance - and I almost peed myself and fell on the floor laughing - at once.

And then Joe went around the room until finally he waved goodbye and disappeared behind the curtains - but he wasn’t done. He still took time to autograph some signs and his aides brought them out to folks. Here was the one he sent Liam.

“Liam, keep the faith.

Joe Biden”
And that was it. Great night.

And yes - I am keeping the faith.

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