And they've stuck to it--with good reason--even as so many other Republicans abandoned their supposed principles.…
Can't think of anything like it from either party. (Then again, I can't think of any nominee besides Trump who'd warrant it.)
Such as these three: Trump's admiration for foreign dictators, especially Putin, his fundamental dishonesty, and his belief that what works in business will work in foreign policy.

The most egregious is with South Korea, where he's repeatedly argued that they should pay the US (rather than just cover most of the basing costs) while he also cozies up to North Korea.

On the border, Trump's abused power, moving funds Congress did not authorize, and deploying military on US soil to help sell a lie about NatSec threats.
And trade wars hurt geopolitically, not just economically.

His rhetoric does. But he's refrained from adventurism (so far). This means he's trashed US credibility with empty threats--Venezuela, Iran--but it could be worse.

1) Always should've taken Trump literally, not just seriously
2) He's terrible at NatSec/foreign policy, and in ways we saw coming
3) Much of GOP scrapped principles--free trade, constitutionalism--to support Trump