#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #FreeAssange #Assange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO #Injustice #HumanRights #freeSpeak #Liberty #Killers #WarCrimes #Liars #Democracy #TrueJournalists #Hipocrisy

Major civil liberties, media freedom, and human rights groups speak out against the arrest of Julian Assange.
The Hindu (India). Readers editor on Assange: "His indictment poses a threat to all journalists",
"The arrest of Assange is a step taken by those who want to go back to past times where opacity reigned, cutting our fundamental rights and punishing those who uncover the secrets that shame those who hold power."
I repeat the words of one of my previous tweets when I say “You might think this #Assange article is a parody & a joke. Alas it isn’t!” @wikileaks
Media Condemns Julian Assange For Reckless Exposure Of How They Could Be Spending Their Time
Chelsea Manning is a political prisoner - held in prison to torture her into taking part in a political persecution against #Assange and @wikileaks.
Ignoring this is a crime of complicity.

Super-famous Norwegian street-artist AFK paints in Bergen a superb, gruesome fresco to Julian Assange, Free Press, and the end of Liberty....
#FreeAssange #FreePress #FreeChelsea #FreeOlaBini #DeclineOfTheEmpire #USA

“Detención de Assange es un momento negro para la libertad de prensa”
El ex agente de la NCS Edward Snowden, refugiado en Rusia por revelar detalles del programa de espionaje de🇺🇸criticó la actuación de las autoridades ecuatorianas | EFE
“Julian was my house guest for 13 months,” says Smith, a freelance video journalist & founder of @frontlineclub, a meeting place for journalists in London. “I know what he's like, & I'm afraid I'm not going to side with the🇪🇨on this one.”
Julien Assange needs to be welcomed as a refugee. His stay in the🇪🇨Embassy was his right as an unjustly persecuted individual: somebody of the caliber of a Nobel Prize holder.
I call on my country:🇨🇭to welcome Julien Assange as long as he wishes to stay! !!!
UK: @wikileaks publisher Julian Assange should not be extradited to the United States, where he would be "at serious risk of human rights violations" says @pen_int ow.ly/eoXB30otjpj @englishpen @mediacentar @Carles_Torner

Julian Assange did what any good journalist should do: minimise his source's chances of being found out. But that is now conspiracy to commit a crime in the eyes of the US government.

Daniel Ellsberg:"This is very ominous-although we've seen it coming for a LongTime-this is new phase,an ominous phase in Trump's WarOnThePress, which he calls the EnemyOfTheState.I was called all the SameThings as Assange is being called"
The Assange Abu Ghraib/Free Press street art in Bergen, Norway, has been stolen.

The US is keeping Chelsea Manning in jail for refusing to testify against Julian Assange independent.co.uk/news/world/ame…
Harris: Assange should not spend the rest of his life behind bars in the United States #cdnpoli bit.ly/2vhij9W (subs)

This cannot stand.
By keeping @xychelsea in prison indefinitely, the Trump administration is erecting a new standard of forcing an alleged source to testify against a publisher.
"This is so very,very much bigger than Assange,& we need to oppose it for reasons that are far,far+significant than the individual characteristics of one man who,depending on what we’ve heard, we may or may not believe is a nice person."
Solidaridad internacional con Julian Assange
Centenares de organizaciones y personalidades de todo el mundo firmaron una solicitada para reclamar la liberación de Assange
Podcast: Edward Snowden on Julian Assange, the Mueller Report, and Press Freedom (from 13:15)
Ah ! Si Julian Assange avait été russe... [par @DionJack2] marianne.net/debattons/edit… …

"Since [@xychelsea's] testimony isn’t necessary to the grand jury’s investigation, the likely purpose for her subpoena is to help the prosecutor preview & undermine her potential testimony as a defense witness for a pending trial" sparrowmedia.net/2019/04/chelse… #Assange
Government of Lenin #Moreno in #Ecuador now trying to jail former Foreign minister Ricardo Patiño @RicardoPatinoEC , who says abandoning #Assange was “savagery” and shows that Moreno has surrendered to the US “as a vassal”

Chelsea Manning Remains in Jail Indefinitely theantimedia.com/chelsea-mannin…
🇺🇸has dropped to No. 48 in annual World Press Freedom Index. President #Trump's "relentless attacks against the press have created an environment where verbal,physical, & online threats & assault against journalists are becoming normalized." npr.org/2019/04/18/714…
🇪🇨| A number of celebrities, activists,& academics recently signed an open letter calling on the #Sweden's Prime Minister to intervene on behalf of developer #OlaBini as he is currently in the custody of the🇪🇨authorities. #FreeOlaBini
Argentina: Convocan este miércoles a concentración por Assange y Patiño, frente a Embajada de Ecuador.
Pero importante no olvidar al preso político @JorgeGlas.
Juan Branco, avocat de #Assange, revient sur l'arrestation de son client à Londres, dans l'ambassade d'🇪🇨,et sur le silence médiatique et la diabolisation qu'a subie le fondateur de Wikileaks

Famous Indian writer #ArundhatiRoy along with five other public intellectuals including N Ram and #RomilaThapar has criticized #Assange’s arrest nationalheraldindia.com/india/set-juli…
Ricardo Patiño: “El arresto de Assange es parte del acuerdo de Lenin Moreno con el FMI”
A flood of complaints should be filed about these violations of Julian #Assange’s prisoners’ rights!
Here’s how to file a complaint:
What WikiLeaks taught us, Trump’s tax cuts, & the USDA’s new rules RT — Redacted Tonight rt.com/shows/redacted…
"The axiom still stands -- Truth Is Treason In An Empire of Lies"
Empires Meticulously Hide Behind Lies -- Assange Courageously Revealed The Truth Anyway
Now, it's not just Julian Assange. Now, all reporters who report on news that Govts don’t want are targets.
🇫🇷|The freedom to inform & to be informed has been violated.
Julian Assange is not ony being held in solitary confinement, but reports indicate that visitors are not allowed, lawyers have been blocked and medical attention is being withheld. This is the sheer ruthlessness of the Deep State at work.

BELMARSH PRISON: The Nightmarish Existance Of Julian Assange - consortiumnews.com/2019/04/15/jul…

SEP (Australia) To Hold Election Rally And Meetings In Defence Of Assange popularresistance.org/sep-australia-…
#JulianAssange | “My son has still not been able to recieve (sic) any visits. Not even from his lawyers!” Ms. Christine Assange wrote on #Twitter.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon says France should grant Assange asylum.
New @Consortiumnews Series: The Revelations of @WikiLeaks: No. 1—The Video that Put #Assange (and #Manning) in US Crosshairs
"Consortium News today begins a series of articles, “The Revelations of #WikiLeaks,” that will look back on the major works of the publication that have altered the world since its founding in 2006."
"This series is an effort to counter mainstream media coverage, which is ignoring #WikiLeaks’ work, & instead is focusing on #JulianAssange’s personality. It is the uncovering by WikiLeaks of governments’ crimes & corruption that set the U.S. after #Assange.."
"... and which ultimately led to his arrest on April 11. The “#CollateralMurder” video was just the first of many major #WikiLeaks revelations that made the journalist one of the world’s most wanted men, simply for the act of publishing."
Thank you @ElizabethleaVos for this article.Everyone should take a moment & watch the entire video & expose oneself to the horrors of war & what the AmericanEmpire does to the🌍.The IraqWar was started on a CompleteLie in the name of greed
Truly sickening, and not one person was brought up on charges for a mass murder all video file. Why would any US citizen turn a blind eye to this?
Free Chelsea Manning and Free Julian Assange IMMEDIATELY!!!
#FreeChelsea #FreeChelseaManning ❤
#FreeJulian #FreeJulianAssange ❤
We love you ❤

When we remember Collateral Murder, let us not forget the poignant story @EthanMcCord, the US soldier who managed to save the lives of the two children in the van, by insisting they be taken to the closest (military) hospital.
~240~ A World Without Wikileaks!, Corporate Tax Cheats, Environmental Revolution
Parliament Square in London now. Vigil to oppose Julian Assange’s extradition to🇺🇸. He exposed🇺🇸war crimes,human rights abuses,cover-ups & diplomatic duplicity.Julian told the truth.That is no crime.He performed a great public service. @DefendAssange

First they laugh at you, then they fight you, then... they admit you were right all along and maybe shouldn't have been violating everyone's rights in the first place?
‘We lied, we cheated, we stole’: Pompeo offers honest, if disturbing admission about CIA activity
READ MORE: on.rt.com/9sz0
'Free Julian Assange' event-key speakers @AnnieMachon @CraigMurrayOrg , Alex Mercouris of @TheDuran_com Emmy Butlin,also w. Patrick Henningsen, @NeilClark66 & Sheila Coombes,hosted by @georgegalloway org by @GregSharkey68 @21WIRE @NeoLawrencian
#FreeAssange #FreeSpeech #WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #ProtectJulian @DefendAssange @wikileaks

#FreeAssange #FreeSpeech #EndWar #FreeAssangeNOW #Assange
#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO @DefendAssange @wikileaks

#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #FreeAssange #Assange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO #Injustice #HumanRights #freeSpeak #Liberty #Killers #WarCrimes #Liars #Democracy #TrueJournalists #Hipocrisy