And for 3L-practice-rule tweets, apparently signing every one "-MtSG" would be weird
This is, without peer, the single-worst trainwreck of a brief I've ever seen filed with a court
And I've read SovCit filings!
I'm gonna talk a smidge on procedure, some things that are missing, the affidavits, and links to other Threadnought lawyers who've weighed in
I'm gonna need y'all to RT the sh*t out of these tweets, b/c the podcast account only has 1/10th the reach so the odds of ppl seeing this are slim
Encourage folks to follow @fsckemall too plz 😬
Remember this tweet about R.Broly?
And I'm not even kidding
If any of you are friends with Vic Mignogna, tell him to consult a malpractice attorney STAT
I actually said "oh. my. God." out loud. More than once.
You know how this all started with a TDMA letter saying calling someone "piece of sh*t" was defamatory? And blaspheming Jesus was defamatory?
Take that same level of competence and expand it to 1200 pages of LOLwut
Let's talk about the effect of Percy blowing that deadline like it was an R.Broly prostitute
Some speculation was that he was trying to upload audio... but it turns out you can't upload audio at all
(In all likelihood, this dumpster fire of dumpster fires probably was in an even worse state of not-done-ness, and they fabricated "technical issues" to pray the judge is cool with it)
We don't officially know what time until the time-stamped copy hits the public docket
Supposedly it was "only" 27 minutes late
You can read them online here:…
Check out subpart (5)…

Any words seem important to you?…

It wasn't set by the Rules of Civil Procedure
Here's their letter of agreement:…
Doubtful. That's how bad the response is: Percy actually makes the Defendants' cases for them!
But *if the judge did strike it,* he'd be out of luck on appeal
The almost-certain result is that the judge allows the response but refuses to strike any of the Defendants' evidence
Very, very, very bad news for the R. Kelly of Anime
I took @questauthority's copy and ran it through Optical Character Recognition so all of it is searchable
Dropbox link to it is here:…
Remember all that boasting on the livescreech about how the TCPA was unconstitutional? Not included
Any response to the §230 defense raised by Rial/Toye? Not included
That vaunted Motion for Sanctions? Not included
...that means they're waived as possible arguments on appeal!
So their last modification on this – meaning THEY WERE STILL EDITING IT – was at 12:24am Texas time
Saying a *non-Defendant* is responsible for defaming your client *two decades* ago is just incalculably stupid holy hell
#oof #howembarrassing
I'm gonna link you to several threads of folks dissecting the motions
The motions are really, really, really bad and we'll be here all night if we talked about the motions
On par w/ the fake subpoenas his law firm was sanctioned for creating in the Goughnour v Patterson case
It would be *HILARIOUS* if one of the defense attorneys demanded to see his ledger of notarial acts

You'll recall that's where this case is pending
But it turns out the Texas Supreme Court said "LOLwut" in the case of Lujan v Navistar Inc, 555 SW3d 79 (Tex 2018)
Vic's affidavit now:
You can read it yourself here:…

Submitting a sham affidavit for R.Broly is DISASTROUSLY BAD FOR HIS CASE
The -1- case that might have given Percy a 15% chance of surviving a TCPA motion from Monica?
He just f*cked it up totally
(*in theory. Khan doesn't apply to public figures.)
1️⃣ There's a good chance the affidavit will be struck entirely, like in Lujan
2️⃣ The Court can't now take a mere denial as "clear and specific," because the same party – Vic Mignogna – is on record, under oath, contradicting himself repeatedly
But there are more disasters!
Like Chuck Huber's affidavit. Hoooooly sh*t.
#oof #howembarrassing
Consider: he claims the text convo with @RonToye said Vic was going to be criminally charged
But the text messages attached – the ones we shared 3 months ago – don't mention "criminal" or "charges" anywhere

@questauthority's livetweet:
The problem for them is that they keep using the same prefix in addition to the same area code, so it's both obvious and easy to block
And hell no.
Who signed Chris Slatosch's affidavit? Because it sure doesn't look like it was Chris Slatosch 🤔
Hat tip to @esp1371 for pointing it out to us!

It's a fun case about lawsuits filed in bad faith and notarial sanctions 👀

I'm going through the mentions for the ones from yesterday but there a lot 😱
Gonna send @greg_doucette an email around noon
Our ability to waste their time scales up very well apparently!
Sounded faintly like... crying
It capably explains the origins of all this, which center on a sexual predator getting bankrolled by a trust fund baby lawyer to hire an estate lawyer friend to sue his victims into silence
Because I can't tell if I'm being unduly conspiratorial, or if this is Percy trying to be slick? 🤔
There's a chance @BethElderkin or @ANN_Lynzee know but idk if they see these tweets
Screech and the conVics have been crowing about how the affidavit says Sabat ran a "casting couch," trading roles for sex
But look at the actual paragraphs...

1️⃣ Sabat's name is almost reflexively mentioned throughout the affidavit (even in a parenthetical!) – but not mentioned in either of those two paragraphs. Why?
Do any of y'all remember that?
...and then you get to the casting couch and it's "Funimation employees"
This lockout is all very stupid btw. #FreeTGreg