It's not necessarily that bigger teams are more productive, but that more productive teams get bigger.
Things have been pretty "tame" at #metascience2019. Not a whole lot of of (public, anyway) controversy/argument/fighting. Seems weird, given that we're a critical argument-prone bunch.
What fights do you want to see?
Noah: It is, indeed, all connected. Almost everything in metascience is connected to everything else in critical ways, and the high level sprinting tour was great!
It isn't necessarily done intentionally. We just do this as part of our wiring.
"Can be unintentional - hard to establish blame
Need to 'tell a good store' in limited space
Social pressures ('everybody is doing it')
Search/discovery and evaluation are now inseparable
"I'm really interested in getting into metascience research, and am retraining via online classes. Am I right in thinking that a thorough grounding in stats and data science is the way to start?"
How do we get there? What went wrong?
"Transparency just gives us the credit that we deserve"
How do we deserve it first?
Need ALL THREE to be a field that is credible.
<raises hand tentatively a little>
Shameless plug: part 1 of XvY is a systematic review of strength of causal inference in the top 10 medical journals...
And so ends day of #metascience2019
Warning: it is likely that this thread is about to get very snarky in ill advised ways. Sorry, future Noah.
A good start?
However, I want to take a quick moment while each of the organizations tells us how important this all is with extremely vetted official statements for a major aside.
Things are so bad that DARPA (!) has emerged as an unlikely potential savior.
Five years ago, no one in this room would have touched DARPA with a 10 foot Howitzer. Today, they seem like a damn good bet. And I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.
Me: Evidence and good science important, but waiting for "good evidence" of what to do is going to be far too little far too late.
This is one way that funders and journal editors alike shirk responsibility. It's not me; it's the scientists who are on the panels/citing papers/whatever; we're just following what they tell us.
If there's gonna be fightin' words, seems likely to be in the next half hour.
There are a TON of competitors in this game, all the rules and incentives are terrible, but there are only two nodes where there is a small number of people who have actual decision power: journal editors and funders.
Really proud to be here right now.
This is real, and important. Worth noting synergy: giving us some hope that we can actually make a living doing good science would go a long way.
Am I misunderstanding?
Lisa Feldman Barrett: <note: editorializing> Hey young people, I was once like you thinking we should improve science, but if you should probably stop trying to tell us who are now the establishment that we're wrong.
I have nothing to say except that I have no clue what just happened.
Ivan Oransky: "If we could get the previous panelists back on the stage, we have some questions."
What about the science desk journalists who are in the usual mainstream grind?
Confession time: I once e-mailed one of my papers to her to see if she was interested in it.
E.g. One reason that nutritional epidemiology is so awful is because it gets press, and from press, $
Lots to digest, will give some summary thoughts after some sleep.
Firstly, this thread consists of what is sticking with me, not a summary or a play by play. LOTS of threads for that, the most complete of which is from @joseph_fridman's feed.
Bottom line: 7/10.
I met a ton of folks, had great conversations, and have new ideas and new work.
I also loved the consistent connection to all of the existential questions we are facing in larger society.
Jacob Foster's wild ride marrying social theory on knowledge production with illustrative models was a DELIGHT.
The collective issues with #metascience2019 represent and potentially perpetuate some of the biggest problems in science itself.
The increasingly concentrated boy's club nature of science is a major problem both in science and in #metascience2019
But the one thing that I noticed the most (perhaps because I personally feel it) was along seniority and generational divides.
But wouldn't it be better if, maybe, like, ONE junior scientist got to "reflect" on things?
BTW, I still have no idea what to make from that panel, except to put on display the egotistical delusional bullshit that we're going to face to get anything done.
The phrase metascience became popular when the replication "crisis" became popular, with huge amounts of funding being thrown in that direction.
However, I worry that we're reinforcing many of the problems that got us here to start with.
And there are just SO many other problems we could have been dealing with instead of replicating talking about replication.
Not great for the sanity of anyone starting out a career in science, but good to have reality in front of you if you want to change it.
Had a lot of feelings about the NSF rep. Have to have a grain of salt, any representation they send to a meta science conference is going to be friendlier than average to such a conference's ideas.
On the other, I just don't know if we've got what it takes if this is the best we can do. Hope we can do better.