Forgive me, I am no expert on #MedicareForAll, but it hurts me to see Biden, Klobuchar, ABC, etc. DISINFORM the American people to this extent! Until I was 26 years old I lived in countries with UHC and it looks like this makes me kind of an expert. 1/?
1. not educated about other countries
2. not educated about history of our own country, ESPECIALLY the fight for workers' rights 11/?
Short answer is doctors + hospitals.
Long answer: doctors+nurses+technicians+medical schools(buildings, teaching staff)+treatments&drugs(people+facilities)+researchers(+facilities)+hospital buildings 13/?
Their sole purpose is to make profit! They make profit by DENYING CARE. Look up the thread how they entered our society. U.S. didn't guarantee healthcare to all our citizens, so private companies filled in a void.14/?
Every year millions of people LOSE their private health insurance, when they lose their job, move, and worse of all, are too sick to work! 15/?
Everyone has healthcare, throughout their life!
Everyone gets a Medicare Card at birth and will forever be able to go to the doctor anywhere in the country FOR FREE.
(It's paid for with taxes)16/?
NOBODY is making life decisions based on health insurance.17/?
1. Private Health Insurance Companies (PHICs)are a valuable part of our healthcare system(they are superfluous)
2. PHICs offer security (they don't, millions lose it every year)
3. UHC is socialist (all other CAPITALIST developed countries have it) 18/?