In this giant room (below)
But first is @dewinterjeroen talking about sexual relationships.

Gender differences
Qualitative accounts
Those with learning difficulties
Different cultures
Change over lifespan
Individual trajectories vs group differences work
Same proportion of autistic girls have the same experiences by the same age.
So we should do our best to understand these to help this part of life be safe.
We shouldn't pathologies this - so do most non autistic boys! But teaching about appropriate spaces and sharing is important.
40% of women and 21.9% reported having sexual experience.
That's an interesting mismatch...
Essentially, it happens, we don't know a lot about it.
Trying to be sneaky at the front of a room that seats 2000 people is hard!

Hoping they will be published soon
Lots of outcome work suggests we should have low expectations, but that is not the case
Women all adult dx, men mostly childhood dx.
Self employment or self created jobs common among women, half married (one divorced), all had post18 education
Men also in more "regular" jobs
It's in French.
I forgot to pick up translation headphones.
Let's see how this goes.
Pointing out that physical changes are universal, but can be challenging for autistic people and even more so when they cannot easily be explained in detail.
Different to findings of @dewinterjeroen in first talk, but possibly due to differences in those taking part.
Seems to involve parents, professionals, medical evaluation of the teenager, interview (?) with teenager, and some questionnaires. Not sure who fills those out!