Most excited to hear from @Sarah_NottsUni about her updated work!
What do we mean by MH?
What do we know about MH in autistic people?
What are the consequences?
What contributes to MH problems?
What factors protect from MH problems?
Psychological, emotional and social wellbeing.
Affects how we think, feel and act.
Changes over lifespan.
MH problems are common - 25% of nonautistic people will experience difficulty.
But we know less about MH in autistic people.
7.7% clinical depression (+10% subclinical)
40% clinical anxiety disorders
Sleep disorders incredibly common
More issues as get older
Anxiety 27% at current moment, 42% lifetime prevalence
25% current depression, 37% lifetime prevalence
80% report sleep disturbance - worsens MH (feedback loop)
12% substance misuse
60% min one psych condition

6% of autistic males
All higher than general population.
Autistic females 12 to 14 times more likely than non autistic peers
Autistic males 7 to 13 times more likely than non autistic peers
And those numbers are possibly underestimated... 💔
14% of CYP with chronic pain had positive screening for autism (not full dx)
Autistic people average lifespan 16 years shorter than matched non autistic peers due to range of health conditions.
Also awareness that interaction may not be the same as in non autistic people.

Wide ranging impacts in every area of life.
In the UK, talking therapies are the first line of treatment. However, autistic people often unimpressed and find these ineffective.

Sensory, uncertainty, feeling different and being bullied key causes.
Females sig more anxious than males.
Anx corr with younger adults, more autistic behavs, more dif w/uncertainty, more depression
39% felt it had no impact or made them feel worse.
Not good enough! I know of work adapting eating disorder treatment for autistic people (@PEACE_Pathway) We need the same for anxiety
Knowledge of autism
Consistent therapist
Sensory considerations
Therapist always available in the moment
The things we know autistic people need across contexts (replace therapist for teacher, for example)
We have answers, they need implementing!
Hopefully it happens in good time and can be rolled out widely.

New validated suicidality assessment tool for autistic adults, developed with autistic adults.
It is actually the SBQ-R...
E.g. difference betwn passing thought&plan, impulsive attempts without a plan, current measures not capturing intensity/frequency of thoughts, impossibility of answering future as
Changes (validated):
Adding in stage between thoughts and plans
Adding in qual follow up qs
More freq options/perseverative thoughts
Giving more concrete options rather than abstract qs
Added visual aids
Simplified response options
Who did you tell if you did?
If haven't told anyone, why?
Recognising value of qual detail to enrich quant data
Also clear evidence of similarities on other aspects of the questionnaire.
Good tesr-retest validity (implies consistently useful)
Scores associate with anxiety, depression, camouflaging& more
Cannot predict response to future adverse events, but can be used in research to look at risk factors which may then be useful in clinical work
Focused on children and adolescents, initially found many depression criteria which overlap with autism criteria or recognised behaviours.
Something I'll be covering with students this term!
If we as academics can build this knowledge in throughout students time with us, it normalises it.