3 projects:
1. Building 500tpd mine; one of the highest grade open-pit mines globally
2. Near mine exploration — goal of doubling production by 2022
3. Regional exploration to prove that this is an orogenic camp
1. We’re in Nicaragua (lovely and SAFE country, BTW)
2. Developing mine on basis of PEA
3. Shallow dipping structures may lead to mining dilution
4. Grade variability
1. Infill results showing grades much higher than resource est.
2. Exploration drilling has systematically discovered similar material to the mine
3. 23km of untested strike
4. Underground — if economic, could be order of magnitude bigger than open pit.
1. Operating team successfully built multiple small mines in Americas
2. Excellent exploration team with 10+ years experience on project
3. Controlling shareholder with access to capital
4. Handsome CEO