Effectively Polluting Anything
A new attack on the Endangered Species Act is the latest in Trump’s efforts to murder every living being.
Please sign the prewritten letter to your MOC from the @SierraClub below.
It was announced last month that Trump...

This would also handcuff administrators trying to “consider the impacts of global climate change when deciding whether to list a species.”
Withdrew from the Paris climate agreement.
Permitted Dakota Access Pipeline.
(Sadly, the list continues...)
Approved chlorpyrifos, a pesticide linked to developmental disabilities in utero. #QuestionsForChristians
(Of course there’s more...)
Stopped enforcing a 2015 rule prohibiting hydrofluorocarbons in air-conditioners and refrigerators.
(Yeah, there’s more...)
Destroyed national monuments to allow for fossil fuel extraction.
Abandoned rules to reduce methane emissions.
(You guessed it...there’s more.)
Reversed restrictions on the sale of plastic water bottles in national parks, despite a Park Service report that efforts to reduce litter were effective.