- USS Harry Truman aircraft carrier
- Carrier Air Wing VII
- USS Hué City missile cruiser
- x6 Arleigh Burke-class Destroyers
- x1 Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate
- UK
- France
- Saudi
- Israel — via @Souria4Syrians

* Hands Off Syria Sydney - DOWN
* 21 Century Wire (@21WIRE) - DOWN
* Fort Russ (@FortRussNews)- DOWN
* Syria News - DOWN
* Muraselon (@Muraselon) - DOWN

* Hands Off Syria Sydney - DOWN
* 21 Century Wire (@21WIRE) - DOWN
* Syria News - DOWN
* Muraselon (@Muraselon) - DOWN * South Front - DOWN * Al-Masdar News - Still up for now

•#Trump announced decision
•US, French military movement
•Syrian Army, #Hezbollah clearing airbases
•Few Airlines who fly over Syria changing routes
•UNSC option failed
•#Israel on alert -via @Joyce_Karam
- Russia drew red line which delayed US decision to attack #Syria
- hesitation & doubts about the credibility of the story are building up globally
- every minute that goes past Trump looks weaker & weaker.

•Pentagon is cautious, taking time it needs to prep targets
•Trump tweet got ahead of Generals,NSC officials
•UK cabinet meets Thursday, May sends subs to Mediterranean
•Trump called Erdogan
•High alert & anticipation,waiting for Trump. via @Joyce_Karam

Please note that #Russia has several ships and submarines deployed in the Mediterranean Sea which could also carry long range AShMs such as the Kaliber-Onyx-Granit-Moskit. - via @WaelAlRussi

A hostile attack against #Syria is highly expected tonight. via @WaelAlRussi

Note: An Iranian base is established in Khan Arnabah - via @Nidalgazaui