I promise to use my newfound social media powers mostly for good 😉
@ProfIRMF brilliant scholar of Islam & South Asia at the cutting edge of religious studies
@TheLadyImam THE feminist scholar of Islam. Her book on the Qur’an is standard in my class & changed my world
The brilliant @beetasays whose crucial work on race and slavery in Iran is incisive and illuminating
@s_mellors is a dear friend and colleague working on medicine, gender, and China, she is a must follow!
I could not recommend @dearclare enough for her work on US food history! One of the most generous people I know!
The inestimable @sasanianshah is a must follow for all things Late Antiquity, his panoramic knowledge spans the Mediterranean to Central Asia
My sometimes twitter collaborator @MENALibAHS is the much-needed and practically encyclopedic voice from the archives
@Political_Nurd is the go-to person for Muslim politics and race in the United States
There's so many more you should follow. I'll keep sharing.
This was just off the top of my nap-addled head
and of course @BabaKristian who works on Islam and China additionally on twitter he's the guy to follow for all the great new books in religion
and @KhalilAndani who is working on crucial scholarship on the nature of revelation, the Qur'an, and interpretation
Support the crucial anti-racism work of @Margari_Aziza and @MuslimARC
and follow @RachaelDLC who works on immigration and transnational history. A much-needed voice!