1/ 💡Was #UkrainePerryGate a reboot of business model that worked so well for "war profiteer" Harry Sargeant III during Iraq War? (more)
@DerWouter @j2dumfounded @StacyJannis @modernhomesla @mrspanstreppon @PortlusGlam @ThomasS4217 @TheViewFromLL2

"A Pentagon audit has found that the federal gov't overpaid Harry Sargeant III by as much as $200 million on several military contracts worth nearly $2.7 billion. (con't)
Sounds like Harry Sargeant III had himself a sweet business model during the Iraq🇮🇶 War. (more...)
"Their plan was to...steer lucrative contracts to companies controlled by Trump allies..."
Oct 7, 2019:
✅US Ambassador to Ukraine🇺🇦
❌Naftogaz🇺🇦 CEO and advisory board members (more...)
Yovanovitch was recalled on May 7, effective May 20, 2019: (more)
Oct 8, 2019, h/t @Agenthades1:
"Trump directed Sec'y of Energy Rick Perry and 2 top State Dept officials to deal w/...Rudy Giuliani...
"Perry acknowledged speaking to Giuliani, according to an Energy Department spokesperson." (more...)
"Perry floated for potential new [Naftogaz🇺🇦] board members...Robert Bensh, a Houston oil executive currently with Pelicourt LLC, as well as Michael Bleyzer*, head of a private equity firm based in Houston."
*Also a Perry donor, per AP
"Dem chairman of a House investigative cmte presented documents to the Pentagon on Thu charging that a top Republican fund-raiser
Oct 16, 2008:
“Mr Sargeant’s personal gain from these 4 contracts may have been $70 million or higher." (more..)