They won't tag @realdonaldtrump.
Watch. It's a sign as to whether they're serious, or sycophants.
There is no "Administration" in this decision.
It was purely from Trump. Trump is responsible, full stop.
We're days -- perhaps hours -- from the inevitable, gruesome video of the invasion hitting every screen in the world.
Trump gave Turkey the green light.
They took it.
Worse though, it's the shabby ambitions of small men who believe *they* will be the one to follow Trump in the White House.
Small, weak, and fearful.
They'll be the dismissed men, the enablers, the un-indicted co-conspirators. The villians -- the Bannons, the Millers, the Gorkae -- will have their place in history, but the caucus of wink-and-nod...
They'll live their lives knowing when...
So endeth the scourging.