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Nov 2nd 2022
Earlier today Twitter celebrated Republican Reinstated Smells. A hashtag game #TerribleCandleScents got your faitful T Dawg to dig into the ole candle drawer and take a few whiffs. Then you all voted by liking my silliest jokes. So let's revisit the 12 worst smelling candles Image
Read 15 tweets
Jun 24th 2022
Today the partisan theocratic hacks on the Supreme Court, ruled that all American women are second class citizens, forbidden from making their own decisions regarding their health & bodily autonomy. #GOPWarOnWomen #NoFreedom4Women #RoeVsWade #GOPDeathCult
Read 4 tweets
Jan 22nd 2022
Saturday, January 22nd, 2022
News you can use.

Try not to laugh... 👀
Interesting take. Fact: the aliens landed in #Brevard and told Trump that being stupid is actually smart...and he believed them. 👽

Read 31 tweets
Jan 1st 2022
January 1st, 2022.
Happy New Year! 🎉

News you can use.
Try not to laugh... Image
Right out the gate...first of all, anyone cool with being called "Bois" probably shouldn't be fucking with the police. I promise you, they are smarter than you. That's how you got your criminal records, remember? 🥴

Read 24 tweets
Dec 26th 2021
“…unvaccinated adults remain relatively unmoved by the recent news of the omicron variant with a large majority of unvaccinated adults (87%) saying the news about the omicron variant does not make them more likely to get vaccinated.” 🙃 | via @KFF…
Less Than Half Of White Adults, Republicans, Unvaccinated Are Worried About Getting Sick From COVID-19 | via @KFF #Hubris #PresumedInvincibility #Cult45*… Image
Omicron’s ripping through America (especially in red/purple states) because refusing masks/vaccines/lockdowns has become a proxy for White Republican identity. They’re peer pressuring themselves into catching/spreading Covid, overdosing on Ivermectin and dying of Whiteness. Image
Read 20 tweets
Dec 17th 2021
1/ It wasn't a conspiracy theory, it was a #CrimeAgainstHumanity...and it came from Florida. 🧵

The GOP started lying about COVID when Trump called it a "hoax". THAT lie has cost hundreds of thousands of American🇺🇲 lives. It also made them and their friends billions $$.

2/ Trump said it was a hoax on Feb 27, 2020. Community transmission was being confirmed in multiple cities in the US. Around the world, case numbers were increasing exponentially everywhere one was found, and economic disruptions began roiling global financial markets.

3/ Four Republican Senators on the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee who knew how bad the virus was, sold their stocks ahead of a market collapse which saw equity valuations plunge up to 40% worldwide in a matter of weeks.

Read 26 tweets
Dec 16th 2021
😳 THE GOP BLAME GAME: It started just over two weeks ago with a Wall Street Journal opinion headline: “Biden’s covid Death Milestone: More Americans have died of the virus in 2021 than in all of 2020.”

That unleashed the pig pile.…
"Republican politicians and their right-wing media sock puppets fell over themselves claiming Biden and Trump were somehow the same on covid. Or perhaps – gasp – Trump was better. It’s hogwash.

This maneuver is actually an intentional, subversive attack on our brains, a gateway
drug for an even more devastating reframing of how we think about the pandemic.

A lot is riding on whether Republicans can pull this off.

The pandemic is the fulcrum of our politics, the most important dynamic in all of our lives, the key to most Americans’ economic experience,
Read 13 tweets
Nov 22nd 2021
cc @DanPatrick: “The Census Bureau found that white adults are the most likely group of Texans to be unvaccinated — and that group is also significantly more likely to rule out getting the vaccine than any other group.”… ImageImageImageImage
“Extending unemployment benefits to the unvaccinated is just the latest in a series of proposals aligning the GOP with people who won't get a COVID shot.” - via @axios #GriftBabyGrift #MAGAMasochism #UnduePrivilege #GOPDeathCult…
“Since shortly after the pandemic first emerged, month after month it has been places that strongly preferred Trump in 2020 that have seen the most coronavirus-related deaths, relative to population.” - @pbump h/t @AschleighJ #Cult45* ImageImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Sep 9th 2021
It is a cruel jest to say to people who have suffered inhumane treatment for centuries to unite with those who have caused a lot of pain


#Biden #Trump #GOPDeathCult #VoterSuppression #AbortionBan #racism #BlackLivesMatter #HumanRights #Truth #Facts #humanity

We give each other a chance when both sides deserve it

What have YOU done if now #racists give you a chance?

Why don't you give JUSTICE a chance?


#Biden #Trump #GOPTraitors #racism #VoterSuppression #HumanRights #BLM #Truth #Facts

#VoteBlue to make your dreams untrue
Vote red & you are dead

There is 3rd option - A new party that will represent the interests of the people

#Biden #Trump #FascistGOP #racism #VoterSuppression #AbortionBan #BLM #Truth #HumanRights
Read 4 tweets
Aug 13th 2021
55 days on a ventilator. Lung transplant. All paid for with the tax dollars of the Tennessee People.
Did David Byrd leave the hospital vowing to save the Tennessee People from having to endure his fate? No. What David Byrd did is despicable, heinous.
#DavidByrd showed up in the State's Legislative Chambers to sign his name on a letter Tennessee Republicans addressed to the Governor. A letter demanding that mask mandates be prohibited in schools. That businesses be prohibited from asking for your vaxx card.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 30th 2021
Let's place blame squarely where it belongs: on the people who made this a partisan issue and undermined acceptance of the vaccine.

Delta "spreads as easily as chickenpox."

Let me explain my rage.

I am 57 years old, lifelong asthmatic, recent NHL cancer survivor. My family, friends, and I did the lockdown, social distancing, mask wearing.

Hell, I even made and donated over 600 masks to health professionals, police, and USPS.
Where did that get me?

I'm still pretty much a shut-in. I live on the outskirts of a city, so I'm in GQP land.

I'm sick and tired of the party that screams about their personal freedom being violated gambling with MY life because they bought the lie it kills only the weakest.
Read 8 tweets
Aug 12th 2020
1/ Looking at the OpenSchoolsNow position by the GOP, I need to revise my opinion on their similar gun-nut position about schools.

I mean, whenever there'd be a school shooting I'd ask them: "Do you like to see kids killed?!" but they'd dismiss me & shame me for this assumption
2/ Their counter-argument was that they just loved guns and freedom and were afraid of tyranny and the massacres were just a sad price of freedom.

But the GOP is now taking the same nihilistic position about schools with the pandemic as they do w/guns!
3/ It's the same rhetoric about guns with the masks: "freedom." It's pretty obvious now that the GOP is a cult with scary parallels to murder-suicide cults of history. It's thus likely that their fetish for guns is the same type of cultish mentality. The deaths are worth the cost
Read 19 tweets
Jul 21st 2018
Focus of the Day, and all the other days to come until 11/6, shall be on #GOTV, #VoteBlue, #PaperBallots, #AbsenteeBallots, election integrity and voting rights.

If youre reading this, you are the #Resistance.

A thread.

Voting Integrity
Dont trust #GOP voting machines. 1]
The majority of voting machines are Trojan Horses owned by the #GOPTreasonCult. They have a backdoor built in, so theyre easily accessible by hackers to manipulate the votes cast.

One way around them is a paper ballot. How to get one by 11/6? 2]
#AbsenteeBallot #VoteEarly
Know your voting rights. Heres what I found on this website 👉 Info is available for any state there. Go there and check for your state.
To start you off, look at the breakdown of candidates from both parties running for Congress. 3] #VoteBlue
Read 8 tweets
Jun 18th 2018
Nielsen just now: “These minors are very well taken care of. Dont believe the press. We operate according to some of the highhest standards in the country. We provide food, medical, education and all needs that the child requests.”

Lets look at that. 1)…
Agents LIE to the families, including the children. They are told that kids are taken away BRIEFLY, for questioning or to be given baths (which sounds ominously like a Nazi Shower in Auschwitz).

Moms are told that they will not see their kids again. Are kids told the same? 2)
Parents are given flyers with phone numbers to call to locate their children after they were placed with ORR.

Only, the phone numbers on the flyers are to an ICE tipline!!!

If a parent somehow reaches ORR, the ORR cant call them back, cuz there are no phones in these camps. 3)
Read 8 tweets

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