Equates choice with "privatization' and 'segregation'.
CMS Carol Sawyer speaks first. Talks about 'hypersegregation' of towns and neighborhoods.
Says towns are trying to 'intimidate' CMS with the 'threat' of a municipal charter.
She's reading a paper she co-authored about school choice.
She gives credit for help on it from Policy Watch's Kris Nordstrom.
Put another way, School choice is free association with better integration results.
It's not the families.
It's the schools.
What the hell?
She also cites radical Educrat Linda Darling Hammond.
public schools are the only thing that can save society.
Parents choosing other options are racist that are desegregating schools.
Families in Southern wake beg to differ.
Kushner is outraged that the district has to give charters 45 million" as a "pass thru".
Charters have do document all expenses and ARE public schools.
She just said there is no accountability...
She, like the others, doesn't talk about why families are leaving.
She also attacks 'vouchers' and that those should be scrutinized.
Claims wake High schools draws back students but does mention there are only a handful of charter high schools in the district.
Charters are public schools. The money follows the kid minus capital outlay money that only the district schools currently gets.
Kushner says local boards should get that info to "control" charter operations
Woman asks why charters don't serve special needs kids. Panel doesn't correct her.
Fact: a lot of families leave district schools b/c they aren't being served.
Just ask SN kids in WCPSS who aren't even getting picked up.
Kushner tells her to "speak out."
Complains charter schools are the only ones hiring and Wake hired her "at the last minute."
Kushner says the fed grant NC just got will fuel charter segregation
Kushner asks her to define 'structured literacy'.
The panel looks confused.
Kushner tells her "continue to advocate".