Last night, @annimaniac hosted an instructive live discussion defining her framework on Product-Market Fit &"core-beliefs" that I really loved
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Bad news: It's way more complex.
Good news: Ann has a framework.
1⃣ Product as value proposition
2⃣ User in an ecosystem
3⃣ Pricing structure & business model
Let's pull on each 1/
It's a set of promises you're making to the user and moments of delight you're creating for the user as they experience the value prop. 2/
Theres a buyer for your product, but theres also *their* customer. There's influencers important to your users. Detractors, brokers, channels, etc
Ecosystem must understand your value prop, whether they love it or hate it 3/
Even if not monetizing now, it's important to think about bc how you price product 'one day' may actually shift your product decisions today 4/
Business Model has to work for the Product
Product has to work within the Ecosystem
"A lock on all 3 is what creates the magic moments of Product-Market Fit." 5/

For me, its where Founder-Market Fit's most critical to assess. How deeply does founder know ecosystem, have they explored the pricing options, can they build this product, etc 6/
Ann elucidated "There is a difference between flailing and pivoting. You can only pivot with one foot grounded firmly in your core beliefs" 7/
That might be changing customer, product features, or pricing structure. But the core belief of the business is non-negotiable 8/
When youve defined the core beliefs & principles, it frees you up to rotate everything in the business around that
If investors are ALSO aligned on this core belief, it creates more comfort when a need to pivot arises 9/
If pivot comes from "earned secrets" built on "core beliefs", you're pivoting from place of strength & may find PMF 10/