I stayed late last night, and things got… strange. (thread)
#ScaryStories @gothamghosts

They buy out a few floors of an office building, gut them, and revamp them with a compact maze of glass-walled, glass-doored rooms furnished with industrial chic office paraphernalia, …
Anyone walking through the narrow corridors among the rows of offices are free to admire each tableau in the micro-capitalist aquarium.
Like I said, I stayed later than usual, promising our administrative assistant that I’d close up the office so she could make it to a 4:30pm dentist appointment.
While I made my way to the end and rounded the corner toward the bathrooms, I thumbed through my unread emails.
His hands were long-fingered and skeletal, wrapped in sallow, papery skin.
He wore a hat, a light brown trilby, pulled low over his eyes.
I had never seen this guy before.
He had a brittle, high-pitched voice like iron nails raking glass.
The sound of it sent a flash of panic through every nerve in my body. I gaped at him stupidly, unable to respond.
The brim of the hat rose slowly, revealing the lower half of his face.
Joining me in the hallway, she hurried down the hall away from the tall man, towing me along with her.
“Don’t listen,” my companion muttered. “Just keep going.”
“Don’t,” the woman said sharply. I suppressed the impulse with difficulty.
Or, something like me—and yet, not me at all.
She had my body, my clothes, my face. But in that face, her eyes were solid black.