-1st Female Chairperson of United Kingdom & Eire Council For M’sian Students (UKEC)
-Speaker for #UnconvinceYourself with Maybank, Speak Up & Graduan
-Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) Scholar
-Studying Law in London School of Economics
-SPM 7A+2A
Inspiring thread 2019
Twitter - @AymnHzwni
Instagram - @aymanhazwani_
Meh aku terangkan dalam bahasa mudah struktur hierarki organisasi ni. Dekat UK & Ireland ada pecahkan kepada 12 regions. Cnthnya London,-
Chairperson – YDP MPP
If disamakan dgn konsep uni IPTA punya sistem MPP, kiranya Ayman ni Head of Student kpd semua YDP MPP-
Having an online platform to write, aku rasa dah tiba masa utk aku discuss benda ni. Aku rasa kita tgh hidup dlm zaman yg mana bila ada seseorg yg brbakat & ada kualiti leadership dlm diri dia, kiranya abit different, kita akan bash dia, compress dia, drag him/her into mud-
Ayman Hazwani seorg yg opiniated & outspoken, and ada org lain rasa tak selesa dgn keadaan tu. So somehow, ada someone yg cari jalan untuk-
They used to call her blkg2 as queen control & bossy. Some juniors get the wrong idea abt her from gossips. Juniors listen to majority of their-
Theres so many. And I was-
Focussing on her case, she's been denied from several positions including pengawas. But, cuba tanya semua org dkt sekolah tu, ramai org akan ckp dia deserve & should get one, be it in student council or rumah-
If theres one group to suggest something, we need to oblige to be regarded as relevant-
Spotcheck tu mmg tiba-tiba, as if ada org yg set sbb pengawas senior tu hanya check loker dia shj.
-Org tak suka dia berkawan dgn lelaki, esp. senior lelaki.
-Assume dia kerek sbb resting face dia mcm sombong.
-Dilabel “mencapub” sbb rapat dgn senior housecaptain.
-Org takut dia pgg jwtn bcos rumor has it, dia bossy & will dictate.
“The bullies, both prefects & non-prefects alike might not remember what they did but a friendly advice to anyone yang dengki, the ones who were bullied never forgets. Only the weak gets corrupted by power and only fools think that seniority equates power."
"I ended my speech in #UnconvinceYourself happily with a note that despite people not recognising my merits back then because i’m too loud, I am the first ever female chairperson for UKEC after 23 years since its inception.”
After SPM, she applied scholarship, got called to the Bank Negara assessment programme. Dia cerita yg fail sijil jawatan & pencapaian dia mmg paling nipis lah. Semua candidates dekat sana either headboy, headgirl, ketua rumah, pengawas. Need I to remind, she is the-
Aku akan buat thread Part 2 untuk cerita tntg ALevels Ayman. Thread Part 1 ni mmg aku nak fokus untuk endorse #Seniority≠Power.
Hentikan buli di mana-mana institusi pengajian. Boarding school reeks with bullies.
1. Always be kind to others, "Words can hurt".
Jgn mengata bcos one day you might feel segan nak minta maaf when you wronged a person. Practice healthy networking, semua ada mindset “takpe lah bukan jumpa dia dah lepas habis sekolah”.-
Or talk to anyone you trust. If you’re the bully, don’t put them in that kind of situation. Even if you rasa benda yang you ‘kutuk’ tu tak serious.
And to the bully out there, this is coming out from Amirul Akram.
-You said u're doing it for the sake of community, to tame juniors.
-You said this could be stok bercerita dgn anak cucu.
-Did it work? Havent the juniors go berserk & act more rebellious?
-I asked tons of bullies, most of them taknak cerita benda yg dorg dah buat. Katanya itu zmn jahiliah dorg. Rasanya anak cucu kalau boleh nak dgr if parents dorg power koku, atau wakil sekolah bersukan.