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Feb 13th 2021
This is what a proper detour looks like for #ActiveTransportation.

Notice the #accessibility ramp, helpful signage, the detour is direct and logical, priority given to people over cars.

All too often in #Ottawa, sidewalks and cycleways are just marked "closed" forcing people onto roads with fast moving cars.

Alternatively, they are forced to cross the road with no priority crossing or confusing detour is set up that adds several city blocks to a 🚴‍♂️🧍♿ trip.
Yesterday, this sidewalk was blocked as 100's of kids in 3 area schools were trying to pass through this area. Car and truck traffic still had full use of the road though.
Read 5 tweets
Oct 20th 2019
Many @HaltonDSB schools suffer from intense traffic at bell times. Parents/guardians & students need to recognize this as an issue and must be an integral part of forming solutions.…
I challenge every walk-to-capable @HaltonDSB School Council to form an #activetransportation standing committee that includes student voice, which will work actively/relentlessly toward creating solutions for significantly increasing walking/biking/scootering to their school.
Engage your school community, find out what the barriers are in your school community and work with the community to find solutions to overcome them.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 22nd 2019
At @AASHTOSpeaks Joint Policy Conference of Committee on Design and Council on Active Transportation (I'm a member of that). Flexible design workshop to kick it off. #infrastructure #RoadSafety
Joyce Taylor, Maine DOT Chief Engineerb Over the years people have debated names for different approaches to streets that serve people. Let's call it GOOD DESIGN. #AASHTO #infrastructure #RoadSafety #PeopleStreets #HealthyStreets
Shari Schaftlein, FHWA Office of Human Environment, on context sensitive solutions/design. Case studies/resources #AASHTO #infrastructure #RoadSafety #PeopleStreets
Read 149 tweets
Apr 18th 2019
Next Wednesday @CityofVancouver staff report back to #Council on ramping up our #ClimateAction, in line with the #IPCC science and in response to the #ClimateEmergency. Here’s my breakdown of the recommendations 👇
This #ClimateEmergency report outlines 6 Big Moves for Council to direct staff to pursue & come back w. comprehensive/costed plans. Plus 53 Accelerated Actions to move on now. The targets are strong & won’t be easy. This is what governing in line with the science looks like.
Big Move 1: By 2030, 90% of people will live within an easy walk/roll of their daily needs (we’re at 45%). Focused on land-use & complete n'hoods, it would ⬇️ 153,000 tonnes carbon/year, while creating ⬆️ housing choices, ⬆️ social interaction, and supporting local businesses.
Read 17 tweets
Mar 19th 2018
I find so many great walk/bike/place articles to include in @WSDOT #WSDOTactive Walk and Roll E-News it's getting too long to look at. How many links do YOU want to see in a reading round-up? (Subscribe:…)
After each edition of @WSDOT #WSDOTactive Walk/Roll E-News I take a look at which links were most popular. I'll tweet out last week's top clicks to give you an idea of what you'd see if you subscribed here:…
Top links most recent #WSDOTactive e-news:
1/ Washington Bike Summit… info from @CascadeBicycle #WABikeSummit
2/ Spreadsheet to update w/locations of bicycle #traffic signals in North America…
#bikes #activetransportation
Read 7 tweets

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