Step 1 - Take a part-time or remote job
Step 2 - Start freelancing
Step 3 - Start an online business
Step 4 - Start investing in stocks
Thread inspired by @ROGUEWEALTH 's active and passive income theory
Take a part time or remote job. This will cover your basic needs.
Food, rent etc ...
Start freelancing work on Fiverr or Upwork etc in your spare time.
This will go to your savings or investment account.
Start an online business.
Sell ebooks
Affiliate marketing
This will cover your misc expenses. Partying, travel etc.
Start investing in dividend paying stocks, bitcoin etc
With your savings from your freelancing works.
Get better at making money with steps 2, 3 & 4.
Start focusing more on what brings you more money.
When you're ready and make enough money to cover all your expenses, quit your part-time job.
1. Agency (My active income)
2. I've a blog & I make money from ads + sponsored posts + ebooks
3. I do options trading
4. I invest ~ $800 in mutual funds every month
5. I now have Twitter income
6. 3 rental properties
I'm now good to quit my agency.