Losing a pet is never easy; we miss them, but we also cherish their memory.
I thought it would be nice to remember her with an #Inktober style celebration of life.
So I give you Day 1 of #UNOvember
#CatsOfTwitter #cats
I made it to help me figure out how to tell Uno's story. But you're welcome to use the list for your own drawing challenge, if you want to.
We first saw Uno sitting on a stone bench at a void deck (an open space on the 1st floor of Singapore public apartment blocks).
She had no collar, and she ate leftovers that people left out for the stray cats.
Unlike the other strays, she was friendly. We started calling her Friendly Cat.
We grew attached to Friendly Cat. And concerned - what if she got sick, or hurt?
We looked around and found her. Hiding in some bushes from two big black cats.
The next day, it turned out that she was not fine. So off to the vet we went.
With time she got better. By then, we couldn't bring ourselves to take her back to her bench.
Uno settled into her new home. She had food. And shelter. And people who loved her.
And a cat friend who was kind of terrified of her. Although in time, they did become friends.
When we moved to Canada, Uno and Zero came too. They flew around the world!
Uno arrived, like us, in Winter. For a cat from the tropics, it must have been a strange sight.
In the Spring of 2012, Zero died. Uno was alone. We think she genuinely missed Zero for days.
We bought a house. She had the place to herself, and acted like the Queen of castle.
Later, we welcomed a new cat. Teken thought of Uno as a buddy.
Uno just thought Teken was a jerk.
In the mornings and evenings though, she would cuddle with me in bed. And purr. Loudly.
In early 2019, Uno was diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease. It was sad, but we hoped she would have some years left.
By September though, Uno's condition deteriorated. She had end stage kidney failure, and an inflamed bladder.
We made the hard decision to let her go early. So she wouldn't have to suffer a painful decline.
On her last day, we let her have a last walk in the garden. Though too sick for food, she still managed to have fun munching on grass.
Before she died, I promised her that we'd be together, forever.
And so.
Uno. Together, forever.