...this statement is the oddest thing I have ever read on #TacticalVoting.
If you cannot see why, you shouldn’t be anywhere near data-based decision-making.
But allow me to explain anyway.[thread]

To do that, *accuracy* of data on voter intentions is the key thing you need.
To say “We don’t dispute the accuracy”
...means you acknowledge it is accurate.
And have nothing better.
The quote continues that “using a number of different pieces of data... is a better way”
This shows deep ignorance of how @BestForBritain derived their results... as they use tens of thousands of rows of data.
They combine this with multilevel regression & post-stratification (MRP) polling over repeated time samples, incumbency factor, demographics and a ton of other considerations.
Yes. As B4B have been doing this for a while, they have track record on this, including predicting the hung parl and surprise wins of Labour MPs @emmadentcoad & @RosieDuffield1 in 2017.
...but think it should really include stuff that it already includes - is fairly daft.
What is the purpose of making a critical statement if you have no evidenced criticisms?
But with a 46,000 voters sample size, it’s looking the most data-rich one.
Clearly, there will be outliers to iron out (predicting >500 seats is no breeze)... and sampling will need to be updated as this GE develops.
Ultimately, doing it helps *both* Lab & Lib Dems gain seats.
It’s a smart vote swap, it’s a win-win.
Watch on #Periscope: Tactical voting: Chillax. Here’s what you need to know.