Mutualism is the grandpa of the Libertarianism many Bitcoiners share, from Proudhon to Rothbard, and its also the honorary name of Libertarianism's kid, who will succeed it.
Mutual Credit Clearing is the #3 killer app on Bitcoin.
1) Collective organization of labor to get a better deal for workers
2) Get the cost of capital down through credit unions
3) What property rights remain without a State's monopoly on violence? Use-based property rights.
Capex Producitivty Theory of Value (CPTV):
In the 30s, a Swiss bank call the Wir Bank ran smooth!
I told my pop about it, was like "agh! lending is risky!"
Ohhh so it's a big monopoly licensing scam?
GDP ignores labor with in-kind payment.
This is what real free markets look like.
#2 is decentralized exchange/hedging.
#2 makes Bitcoin as a ledger into a global agora for fundraising, lower-risk savings, and extends fungibility.
But #3 gets incomes up.
Kiva without the Riba.
As we get more supply chain data hashed in, Mutual Credit scoring comes into view.
This is how we grow.