Ever since I discovered Islamic banking, I have been fortunate enough to devote my career to it.
I worked for large global banks, and I left that industry back in 2011, for
Before I decided to leave the sector, I was losing sleep over the problems in the industry.
Nowadays, I enjoy teaching others about how Islamic banking works, as it is truly a fascinating topic.
However, it is also my duty to speak about the other side of modern Islamic banking – which is the problematic side.
The general reaction is a defensive one:
1)IB is a young sector, conventional is centuries old. We need time to develop in a better and more Islamic manner
2)There is no harm, actually, if we do mimic some conventional, because as long
3)It is perfectly ok to benchmark to anything (even LIBOR or interest) as this is just a benchmark for profit, and the profit is delivered in a Shariah compliant manner, which is all that matters
What is true is the following:
1)Mimicking conventional is a polite way of putting it. We actively pursue and
2)98-99% of EVERYTHING Islamic banks do is priced at Riba
3)100% of all Sukuks are priced at Riba
4)We do not resort to Riba as a last resort, something to be reluctantly referred to once every other avenue is exhausted. We rush to greet Riba, and demand
5)Every defence of Riba above relies on the ignorance of the reader. The problem is that most of us are actually ignorant of the financial markets, products, and contracts involved.
6)This lending at Riba is NOT done for charitable
So, when I am asked about how to fix Islamic banking, I see this as a pointless question.
The short answer, which I do not often give, is that “Yes, actually I am doing what I can to fix some of the key problems that exist.”
Because, as I see it, this is what I hear, when people ask me that question:
Muslim : "I am kind of interested in Islamic banking, but not that interested. I kind of would like to manage my finances according to my religion, but only if
The question I would like to hear is :
Muslim : "Safdar, I am quite horrified to hear to extent to which we follow Riba in the industry. How can this
That is a question I would try my best to answer.
The problem with so much of our Ummah is that we like to serve our deen when it is easy to serve.
Before we talk about how to embark on a solution to fundamentally transform the modern Islamic banking and Islamic finance sector, there are a few things that we, all of us, as Muslims can and should do.
2)Realise that the practice is absolutely, totally, completely and wholly different. We embrace Riba, as I have told you
4)Appreciate the extent of the problem. It is not just an issue to be resolved somehow – it is saying that the whole practice of Islamic banking is wrong, flawed, unethical
5)Realise that this is done in the name of our religion. Realise that scholars are used to silence us. Scholars are also a victim of this fraud.
6)Understand that we have some great Shariah standards, the best are by AAOIFI (google them). The vast
7)Understand that where these rules are not broken, and we still deliver Riba, these Shariah rules are just not good enough. They have been watered down to the point of being useless. This is what happens
8)Feel some level of outrage at this
9)Feel some fear of having such a level of Riba in our lives, actively rammed down our necks by Islamic banks. Understand what our Creator and Messenger (pbuh) have told
10)Lose some sleep over this
11)Then, speak to other Muslims about this and spread the word
12)Then, at this stage, start to talk about the need for a real solution, or ask if there is one
13)At this stage, I would be happy to talk with you and
Because, when we go straight to “What is the solution”, that tells me (most times) we have no interest in a solution. We just want easy lives with no sacrifice at all.
Islamic banking, like Islam, is in our hands. It is US, the average Muslim,
Ask “What is it that I can do to help bring about the solution?”
Trust me, there is so much we, all of us, can do to make the changes that are needed. I am happy to explain to you all the avenues we have open to us.
And Allah swt knows best - my intentions are sincere. May my Creator forgive my shortcomings, which are many.
“Did you tell others what you know, and what you have learned?”
I want to answer positively.
Whether you listen or not, is not my problem.
Safdar Alam