1. Do you feel POTUS is being treated fairly as it relates to due process? Not being able to face his accuser?
2. Do you know Eric Ciaramella?
3. Do you believe Zelensky is a scared liar- as described by Chairman Schiff?
5. Are you concerned that POTUS is cutting state dept. jobs, and not promoting enough of your colleagues (opening stmnt)
7. How many times have you received a glowing performance review?
8. Why do you think Zelensky said you were “bad news”?
10. Why were you concerned about being recalled from Ukraine?
12. What was the state dept. guidance related to your appearance here today and prior? Did they tell you to wait for a subpoena? (Let me read into the record the guidance sent to all state dept. employees...)
14. Has any other President you served held foreign aid and used leverage to align with our interests?