Fasten your seatbelt, here is a recap ! 🔽
#ELK, #Hadoop, #NoSQL ? Perfect uses-cases for them :) Trust me they "dechire grave" as we say here.
FIO benchmarks vs competitors = specifc thread soon :)…

Powered by @Openstack #Ironic, it's instances without hypervisor neither virtu layer, but with flexibility of cloud. Same tools, same automation (and yes some limitations too).
Uses cases / details…
Tech doc to use it :…
And lifecycle policy is officially defined here :…
Of course you can use it for all our cloud products, not only for #kubernetes
Everything you need to know is here :…
Tech doc :…
Select an instance, amount of backups to retain, and go. Powered by @Openstack #Mistral, you can of course create your own worfklows.
Official doc :
And as you can see, using open source is the right way to do it. Many thanks to all the OSS communities, especially @TheASF and @Openstack for this time. GG !