He says he "firmly believe[d] these 'Milk Shakes' that were being thrown around and onto people contained some form of concrete."
>"Milk Shakes" 🤔

Hold on. I have clips to upload.
But I do have 100+ GB of leftovers. I'm going to upload a few clips.
0:24 - tweet at 3:09 PM on 6/29/19: "PPB advising this is now a civil disturbance and unlawful assembly. If you do not disperse, you are subject to arrest or use of force."
"Faceoff" by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.…)
Source: incompetech.com/music/royalty-…
Artist: incompetech.com
Vox described the incident as "an unjustified attack" by "militant left-wing group antifa."
Music: "Apprehensive at Best" by Biz Baz Studio
No apologies for the weirdness of this clip. Art™️ 🙃
Katie Shepherd with @wweek tried and failed to corroborate the "concrete/cement milkshakes" rumor with the Portland Police Bureau.

Thorough article here from @RVAwonk: nationalobserver.com/2019/07/02/new…

Can we please put the "cement/concrete milkshake" lie to bed along with me tonight? Please?
"Sugar is used as a retarder for a concrete mix...Mixing plain white sugar in concrete prevents the cement from joining with the water and slows the hardening of the minerals...Sugar helps to delay the setting of cement."