If the bill passes into law, it would immediately be legally challenged.
The judicial branch in US has been loaded with Far Right Christian and/or corrupt judges over the past three years under Trump and complicit GOP Senate.
But that’s not the only motive behind this seemingly senseless rhetoric and attempt to legally define personhood as the moment of conception.
Scientifically, human life is not defined this way. A fertilized egg is no more human than a carrot seed is a carrot. There’s potential with the right conditions for the fertilized egg to become a human.
The debate is being framed from a religious belief system. Completely ignoring scientific fact and promoting faith as a means of determining what is truth.
An example would be religious anti vaxxers. Faith that god will protect them is all that’s required.
It’s nuts. But this is what people believed before the scientific method was developed.
That’s what faith over science produced.
This is the level of ignorance that Christo-fascists want to reproduce.
That’s not implying Dominionist Christians are stupid. It reveals extremism combined with faith can be used to justify any action.
Welcome to the age of thought reform.
Canada is not far behind.
Again, this is a long game plan. Not a quickly developed slap together plot.
Well, get off your butt and do something about it because CPC, Doug Ford, Jason Kenney and a multitude of other Canadians are Dominionist Christians.
This is our future if we elect CPC.