The report states that "On 3rd June, 2018, Akash Missile's Transportation and Loading Vehicle (TLV), parked at an Air Force Squadron, was jolted after a sudden burst of tube followed by shearing off wheel bolts due to impact.
Tubeless Tire of an Ashok Leyland Missile Carrier burst due to weight/over pressure/routine wear and as the weight landed on the rims , the wheel bolts gave away.Happens on Indian Highways everyday.
More than a month later, another squadron reported cracks on air intake caps of dummy missiles.
Dummy Missiles are for crew training and the same missiles are routinely used to train multiple crews.Regular use can cause an air-intake cap to crack.Note : This was not live ordnance.
Air Force mentioned it on record that the Integrated Air Compressor and Storage Facility (IACSF) of Akash Missile System units are unserviceable due to wobbling and vibration, pneumatic leakage, breaking of mounting pads and bolts.
The incidents of leakage from fuel tanks and leakage in pressurised missile containers
The Aakash Missile is Solid Fuelled and cannot leak.Leakage from the Missile Carrier Truck's Fuel Tank is being presented as a Missile Fuel Leak.Pneumatic Leakage in Missile Containers has been discussed earlier pointing to Compressor Maintenance Issues.