I'm sure you've seen the viral photo of the 5-year-old who got adopted and his whole class came to support him. Well, the backstory is even more feels

"You know that song by Annie Lennox?" his teacher, Kerry McKee said.
She teaches her kindergarteners to always embrace others, no matter the circumstance
She emailed parents asking if any would help drive: "14 out of 23 offered to skip work and come"
"Then [she] asked what it was for and I told her and she said you can have the bus and I'll drive for free"
On Thurs, the driver dropped the ecstatic group off in front of the courthouse
So, in total, 18 kindergarteners and 14 adults(including school administrators, secretaries, parents) were there
And then they sang the damn song 😭
Here’s Michael banging the gavel to signify his family was officially official and his classmates cheered and waved their heart sticks