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OK - it's @Tmobile - @Sprint merger trial Day at #SDNY, @JohnLegere still on the stand @SDNYLIVE, questions getting a little testy, "I would never use the term four to three." patreon.com/posts/32312374 Legere says, I'm not going to answer just Yes or No - thread
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: This is a transcript of the earnings call in February 2018, do you see that?
Legere: Yes I do.
Q: You said, "Nobody is interest in the wi-fi phone... Charter will be irrelevance squared." You said that?
Legere: Among other things.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: You know Mr. Mack, he's the one you took your deposition.
Legere: And I'm still afraid of him.
Q: If you could look at Exhibit 1105. And please, do not put this up on the screen. [Why not?] It's an email from you to Mr. Huttges?
Legere: Correct.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Legere: We were in contact with Washington and I would summarize it to Deutsche Telekom.
Q: You're aware some companies told the FCC they were opposed to the merger, including DISH?
Legere: That is correct.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: And T-Mobile responded, see Exhibit 1177 - oh, it's not in your binder. Here is a hard copy. The letter T-Mobile's lawyers and DLA Piper sent to the FCC responding to DISH.
Legere: Correct.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: And T-Mobile said DISH failed to meet FCC deadlines, games the regulatory system.
Legere: And the FCC took it into account in this DISH remedy.
Q: But this reflects what T-Mobile thought of DISH.
[state of corporate mind]
Judge Marrero: Overruled
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: Nothing in your commitment to FCC precludes you from changing prices on devices, correct?
Legere: Yes, we could lower them.
Q: But you could raise them too! It's not covered by the agreement.
Legere: The agreement wasn't intended to cover it.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: The quality of T-Mobile isn't consistent across the country, lower in some places, right?
Legere: Yes. But we're working on that.
Q: And your spectrum assets vary by market?
Legere: I would assume that's true.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: T-Mobile is a public company, correct?
Legere: And a very successful one.
Q: And you make public presentations?
Legere: Very entertaining ones.
Q: And you criticize Sprint?
Legere: Less and less.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: Here's your email to Huttges, about a UBS conference. You state, We will be dismissing the price war rhetoric, calling what we used to do to Sprint just pokes.
Legere: Analysts fear price wars. We didn't want analysts believe there was one in the US market
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: So the share price was down.
Legere: I've headed public companies for 20 years. I check every morning at 9:30. If it's down, I ask, What're you hearing about there. In case shareholders ask questions.
Q: You said, I think it's the Sprint deal, not Kevin's note.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Legere: I'm not sure I was referring to stock price as down. And I wasn't at the UBS conference, 3 of my people were.
Q: Let's go to 980, page 3. From Clint Paterson, he forwards you a proposed release about a MetroPCS offer, letting T-Mobile customers switch over
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: You said you didn't want to be on the press release.
Legere: We owe MetroPCS, but when you put me on it, you use the magenta brand. We're very careful about that.
Q: This is from Mr. Carey. Who is he?
Legere: He's in the back of the room, looks like me, EVP.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: Mr. Carey was writing to you after reading a DOJ submission to the FCC, how to get further consolidation?
Legere: He was advising me for an interview with the WSJ.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: He says, all of this can be achieved by further consolidation below the top tier.
Legere: He wrote that he was thinking out loud.
Q: You said you are making AT&T irrelevant.
Legere: 50% of the customers I've won are from them. Carey said irrelevant, not me
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: So here's your email where, after being told Sprint had made inroad in markets like Denver and SLC, you replied, "Let's hit them hard." Do you remember that?
Legere: Yes.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: You said, I'm losing patience with Communications.
Legere: I'm sure my personal communication was even stronger... None of Sprint's promotional offers have been sustainable.
Q: Here's your email about Altice-
Legere: I was in Tokyo, talks with Sprint broke off
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Legere: It became clear to us that Altice was playing us off against each other.
Q: It's clear Sprint has not been an irrelevant competitor to T-Mobile.
Legere: We've been seeing 2015, let's look more recently.
Q: Sprint has customers.
Legere: Less that yesterday.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: To millions of customers, Sprint is not an irrelevant competitor, correct?
Legere: Competition in wireless is very fierce.
Pomerantz: No further questions.
Now re-direct: I have just a few questions about what Mr. Pomerantz asked.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: I wanted to give you a change to more fully explain
Legere: That's for that. For me there's two important things here. Nothing about this deal has anything to do with four to three, the exact opposite. We were in the early phase of turning around T-Mobile USA
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Legere: I had to go to my board controlled by Deutsche Telekom and get funding, if they thought market was declining in value, it would be difficult. I had a think tank on my board being guided by outside consultants.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Legere: I'm a highly outspoken CEO. Sometimes they bigger they are, the more I enjoy taking them on. It was like the horde was coming and you were supposed to fear it. The cable company that you hate is buying your wireless company - great. It was a yawn.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Legere: ...We've been hearing your yapping for so long about coming in. The customers they took were mostly from Verizon, mostly by making it look like they were Verizon. Comcast and Charter, they are growing in the wireless industry.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: Do you see any other option for T-Mobile acquiring spectrum for 5G revolution?
Legere: There are no existing alternatives, with self-funding through synergies. For Sprint there no alternative on the low band spectrum that they have.
No further questions.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Judge Marrero to question @JohnLegere.
Judge Marrero: Some say Sprint today is what T-Mobile was in 2012. If T-Mobile was able to achieve this, why not Sprint, without merger?
Legere: Thank you your Honor. T-Mobile's situation was nothing compared to Sprint today
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Legere: It's my opinion that except for this transaction, Sprint would be sold in part. I think they're in big trouble. Your Honor, if you'll indulge me, it this doesn't take place, Sprint will go away and there won't be a new DISH
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Legere: The environment of a new T-Mobile and a new DISH, that's best.
Judge Marrero: We see stories, about flower-children in the 1960, now you find them as investment bankers. The relevance is the idea that if T-Mobile gets this, it will become one of the boys
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Legere: That's not a club I'm joining. I'm probably the person most hated by those two. And I think they compete, with the cable companies breathing down their neck. The brand of this company is rooted in being that maverick, the un carrier.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation That's it for Judge Marrero's questions to @JohnLegere. Pomerantz reads the number of exhibits he's entering into record; now the defendants.
Judge Marrero to Legere: "You may step down, you are excused.
"Our next witness is Mr Mike Sievert, for about 2 hours."
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: When did you join T-Mobile?
Sievert: In 2012, when Mr Legere did.
Q: What's the business plan of new T-Mobile?
Sievert: To take the un carrier to the next level

[Need coffee. But Judge Marrero has disallowed it anywhere in his courtroom patreon.com/posts/32312374
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: So this is about combination Tahoe, I'm assuming that's T-Mobile, and Salt, I'm assuming that Sprint
Sievert: That's correct.
Q: It talks about T-Mobile bringing real broadband to underserved rural Americans for the first time.
Sievert: Sure, let me explain
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation As Sievert runs through acronyms and corporate buzzwords, it appears to some that Judge Marrero has nodded off. He awakes with a start and calls a break. Inner City Press will go check out other cases - and coffee. Thread will continue later
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Back from a largely empty 40 Foley Square due to ongoing elevator outage innercitypress.com/sdny2elevators… to find T-Mobile COO-soon-CEO bragging about how many stores they could close if the merger goes forward
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Sievert: Home broadband, I get so excited about this.

Inner City Press: It doesn't sound like it. And people are literally falling asleep. Is that the prospective merger partners' strategy?
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: Where in the United States can customers buy T-Mobile's rate plan?
Sievert: Nationwide.

Inner City Press: This whole segment has been akin to an advertisement, dripping with faux enthusiasm. Thankfully, not your average SDNY trial: innercitypress.com/sdny7bronxrapk…
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Now some less ad-like questioning of Sievert:
Q: If you could focus on my question it would be helpful. Would the board, led by DT, have the power to remove you?
Sievert: Yes.
Q: And lenders, they just want to be paid back, they don't care how?
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: So this Boost offer, in this email it is called attractive to subprime customers, right?
A: Would you like an explanation?
Q: Respectfully sir, each side has a tight clock, if they want to get that out of you I'm sure they will.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: So you signaled to competitors that these promotions would be temporary?

Inner City Press: this is interesting, internal document showing coordination or signaling on price even before the proposed merger. Will Judge Marrero ask about this?
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Well, at least not for now, Judge Marrero will not ask about price signaling. He has abruptly called the lunch break. Corporate lawyers descent to spread set out on 15th floor. Inner City Press in search of other cases. Thread will continue
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation And we're back.
Q: An email at the bottom of Exhibit 898, you asked, What's the fastest time to the all unlimited offer. You wrote, I think Sprint may be headed that way, just a guess.
A: We had already been planning Un-carrier 12.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: When the talks collapsed in 2014, you contributed with the drafting the press release, no?
A: Not sure.
Q: I will help you with that. Let's go to the exhibits. 1067. It has the press release when the transaction was called off.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation We interrupt this live-tweeting for... a thought (!)

The States so far seem to be focusing more on presenting evidence of the *perception* of competition rather than hard data about actual competition. What will Judge Marrero's view be? patreon.com/posts/32312374
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: You won spectrum in those auctions, correct?
Sievert: Yes.
Q: And there another auction now, & T-Mobile has registered to bid in it, right?
Sievert: Correct.
Q: You have a roaming agreement with Sprint?
Sievert: It would stay in place if the merger falls apart.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: Let me ask you about T-Mobile's "Chicago Attack Plan." Its goal was to shrink Sprint's market share. It says, "Destroy Sprint in Chicago," right?
Sievert: I don't think this plan got executed.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Now Paula Blizzard of the State of California says, as to T-Mobile CTO Neville Ray, he's a hybrid fact / expert witness, with a disclosure but not a report; tells Judge Marrero that may "raise some issues."
Judge Marrero: We'll certainly consider that.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Neville Ray being by noting he has received a promotion from being Chief Technology Officer; says he's been on an FCC committee and another committee that sounds like "See-Smack" - seemingly the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (CSMAC)
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Neville Ray now says, "let me get off my soapbox." Yes, please do. Turns out he's pivoting to a monologue about synergies. No cross examination for two and a half hours. Thread will continue.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: Is there any limited to the cell splits you can do?
Neville Ray: I've been building our network for 25 years, and I'm still not done. That's why this merger with Sprint is so great. I can select the best sites from Sprint.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: What will you do with the other cell sites?
Neville Ray: We will decommission them. Then under the deal with DOJ, we'll offer them to DISH. They can avoid years of work.
Q: Describe the qualify of the sites.
Ray: Nothing inferior, in key metro areas.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Judge Marrero cuts in with an analogy to when you build highways, more car get on them. He calls this a vicious cycle and recommends to those in the courtroom - most of them laughing obsequiously - "The Master Builder" by Robert Caro, about Robert Moses.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Neville Ray responds, I know what you mean, Your Honor, I get stuck in traffic too. Then the pivot: "Where I want to be in five years is to have built out the T-Mobile network."
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Finally Judge Marrero jumps in, asking What is it that gives these competitors from overseas a leg up? Is it that they have state support? [References seems to be Huawei.]
Neville Ray: There is massive financial support to the companies from South Korea and China.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Neville Ray gives the example of Uber, which grew up in the US on the back of 4G; he asks rhetorically, where will the next Uber be?
No follow up from Judge Marrero. For now.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: Do you anticipate anyone getting worse service if the merger goes through?
Neville Ray: Absolutely not.
Q: Let's turn to the regulatory commitments. Can you meet them?
Ray: Certainly. We have three and six years.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Neville Ray: I've done rooftops in New York. You don't just put a cell site - you have to reinforce the room, work on the parapet, run wires. DISH can just take those over, and save a lot of money in the process.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Now Neville Ray plays the humility card: "This is a great opportunity, I probably would be as gray as I am if I had had the opportunity earlier."
Q: Are you aware of dynamic spectrum--
Ray: Yes.
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation Q: Does it solve T-Mobile's spectrum capacity worries?
Ray: It doesn't create new spectrum. This is not a solve or cure. It will help on the margin. This combination with Sprint is all about creating new capacity. DSS is a marginal feature
@TMobile @sprint @JohnLegere @sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @Mergers @DigitalTrends @RobertBryan4 @FierceWireless @Cablefax @Benzinga @TmoNews @mvnoblog @5g_innovation As Week 1 of @Tmobile - @Sprint trial ends with a whimper, Judge Marrero asks who's up next.
On Monday afternoon, a witness from DISH - and they say they want to close the courtroom. Really? We'll have a story on today, then more on this. patreon.com/posts/32312374
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